Intuitive Astrology: January Full Moon 2016

full moon in leo astrology 2016

2016 is really a year for reflection and January’s Full Moon is going to help us all to reflect on how we are truly feeling, particularly in our relationships.

Since the calendar clicked over to January, the energy around us all has been shifting to a new vibration.

Energetically, 2016 is the year of endings and we will all be wrapping up or closing things that are no longer supportive of our vibration.

The New Moon earlier this month in Capricorn gave us all a lot of drive, motivation and determination but with the planet Mercury in retrograde, things may have also felt sluggish and slow.

This will be a common theme for 2016 and it may seem that the year is filled with more opportunities to move back and reflect rather than to move forward.

Even though this seems counterproductive, this is the Universe’s way of helping us to assess and tie up loose ends from way back in 1999, so we can move forward once and for all.

This months Full Moon falls in the astrological sign of Leo on January 23 at 5.45pm PST.

When the Moon is in Leo, emotions are felt and expressed loudly and there could be a tendency towards drama, aggression and responding with the ego.

If you do feel emotions rising on the night of the Full Moon, try to remember that sometimes it is better to be kind than to be right.

The Moon in Leo will also shine a spotlight on our ego and higher selves, and force us to see the attitudes, patterns and themes that we have been creating.

This may be particularly highlighted in our relationships and we may feel the need to express ourselves or stand up for how we really feel.

At the time of a Full Moon, the Sun and the Moon are at opposite points in the sky and this can be a symbol for the relationship between our Ego (Sun) and our Soul (Moon).

We need both of these elements to survive in this dimension and when they are at opposites, we may feel the tension between both the Ego and Soul rising.

This can manifest in our romantic relationships, friendships and even with colleagues and may create the desire to purge any difficult emotions.

Pay attention to what thoughts and feelings may arise for you around this time as they may present clues as to where you need to balance or harmonise in your relationships with others and with yourself.

With Mercury Retrograde, we may also have to reassess how we have been communicating with others and ourselves in order to determine if our beliefs are working in our highest interest or whether they are holding us back from achieving what we need to achieve.

As the Moon shines its spotlight, we may also have to dig a little deeper into ourselves and the image that we have created in order to assess if it is really what we want for ourselves.

How often do we act just because we feel pressured from society or our friends or even family? How often do we act out of fear of judgement or alienation?

Take the opportunity on this Full Moon to allow your true self to shine and to stand up for all that you wish to achieve and complete for the year ahead.

Setting personal goals now, without the interference of what others think is especially important on this Full Moon and will help you to be armed with the right mindset for the months ahead.

Mercury will still be retrograde on this Full Moon, which means that while it may be an excellent time to plan, it is not a good time to execute ideas or have important conversations.

When Mercury is asleep or in retrograde, we are encouraged to dig through the psyche of our past to clear out and assess old thoughts and beliefs. We are also encouraged by the Universe to take things slow and to not make any concrete plans just yet.

February will be a much better month for taking action, so use this Full Moon in January to assess and to create rather than to execute.

Curious what 2016 holds for you? Order your own Intuitive Astrology Report here.

Image Artwork by Susan Seddon Boulet

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About the author


Tanaaz is the creator of Forever Conscious. She is an intuitive astrologer and aims to use her writing to heal and inspire. She is also the author of several books including the Power of Positive Energy, Messages for the Soul, and My Pocket Mantras. She also runs online courses and in-person retreats.