Intuitive Astrology: Spring Equinox 2016

spring equinox astrology

In the Northern Hemisphere we are getting ready to shed our heavy winter coat and welcome in the light of the sun.

We are getting ready to take all that we have been working on internally and actually apply it to our every day lives.

In many ways, it is like whatever we have been working on under the feminine and restorative presence of Winter is now getting ready to be birthed into reality by the masculine presence of the Sun.

An Equinox is when the day and night are of equal length. This occurs due to the tilt of the Earth and happens twice a year, once in Spring and once in Autumn or Fall.

The March Equinox falls on the 20th also symbolises the start of the Astrological year, in fact in many cultures it is celebrated as the start of a new year.

The astrological year starts with the fire sign of Aries, which is represented by the Ram.

The Ram definitely has the power to lead the way and is a powerful manifestor of dreams. This is truly is a time for new beginnings, for expressing oneself and pioneering ahead.

As we shift out of the soft, ethereal energy of Pisces, we are going to feel the energy shifting from more of an internal, dream like state to more of an external, “action” state.

We are also going to move away from inward reflection and to a place of conscious doing.

All the dreams that we cultivated during the Pisces phase can be turned into realities in the Aries phase.

Aries energy is also fiery and full of action and potential, making it a great time to start new projects.

In fact, the ancients used to celebrate the God of Mars during the Spring Equinox as he is the planet of action and energy.

This year, Mars currently sits in the sign of Sagittarius where he will plan to stay for quite some time. This energy is going to help all of us to launch an arrow to our target and work on going after our highest dreams and wishes.

Those in the Southern Hemisphere are also going to feel Mars’ energy as well as the shift and change from Pisces to Aries energy, however they will instead experience the Fall Equinox.

The Fall Equinox is a time put your last finishing touches and ideas out into the world before you take the journey inward. It is time to harvest all that you have been working on throughout the summer months and get ready to take that long winters nap.

In many ways, both those in the Northern and Southern Hemisphere are getting ready to step into a new way of being.

Those in the North are getting ready to launch into the masculine energy of the Sun where they can manifest and bring their dreams to life, whereas those in the South are getting ready to launch into the feminine energy of the Moon where they can create new dreams and visions.

Even though this is a powerful time of new beginnings for everyone on Earth, there are certain astrological aspects occurring that may be asking us to pay attention to how we move forward.

March 2016 is an eclipse month and the Equinox falls inbetween the Solar eclipse on March 8th and Lunar eclipse on March 23rd. This is very significant as the time inbetween eclipses is a powerful point of transformation.

The time inbetween Eclipses is like walking across a bridge between one portal and the next.

The Solar Eclipse allowed us to step onto the bridge and may have presented some new information or insights to help us move forward, however we are limited in how far we can travel until the Lunar Eclipse hits.

The Lunar Eclipse is going to reveal the final puzzle piece to help us move across that bridge. It is going to help us understand what portal we are entering and where we need to travel on our journey.

Even though the Equinox is a time of new beginnings and harvest, in many ways we will feel restricted from really taking action until after the Eclipse.

It is almost like we have followed a cycle:

  • Under the influence of Pisces we have dreamt, imagined and gone within our soul to see what we need
  • Under the influence of Aries and the Equinox we will be able to bring that vision into reality
  • Under the influence of the Eclipse we may realise that our vision was not what we expected, totally flawed or not the right path for us.

Of course, if you are travelling the right path, the Eclipse may not have a devastating impact on your course of action.

Eclipses always put you where you are meant to be, and this should be seen as a very powerful gift from the Universe.

Overall, whether you are celebrating the Spring or Fall Equinox it is a beautiful time to honor the energy of Mother Earth, the Sun and the Moon.

It is a beautiful time to set your intentions, practice gratitude for all that you have and work on creating a more peaceful life for yourself and others.

Looking to harness the energy of the equinox. Try these rituals here.

Image Art by Josephine Wall

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About the author


Tanaaz is the creator of Forever Conscious. She is an intuitive astrologer and aims to use her writing to heal and inspire. She is also the author of several books including the Power of Positive Energy, Messages for the Soul, and My Pocket Mantras. She also runs online courses and in-person retreats.