Intuitve Astrology Forecast April 2025

april astrology 2025

April 2025 is our bridge month between the old and the new. Since December of last year, there have been many cosmic alignments encouraging us to slow down and look to the past. We have experienced an unprecedented number of retrogrades that have all been encouraging us to enter reflection mode before we can move ahead. During all these retrograde energies, we were also hit with some powerful Eclipses in March 2025, which stirred the winds of change and may have brought significant transformation into our lives.

Now, as we move through the month of April, we are emerging from all of these energies and getting ready to welcome the new. While we are still not officially out of the effect of the Eclipses or Retrogrades, we are getting closer, and this month, we will perhaps start to feel some fresh inspiration on the way.

This makes April 2025 feel like a bridge month that will be guiding us forward and into new and brighter territory.

The month begins with a powerful line-up of planets in Pisces, that will bring some strong karmic energy our way. We may find ourselves breaking cycles, generational patterns, and experiencing some deep healing.

As we arrive at the Libra Full Moon midway through the month, we may be feeling the urge to let the heaviness go and to bring more joy and play into our lives. There is some intensity we may see playing out under this Full Moon, especially on the world stage, but finding our balance is going to be key.

As the month comes to a close, we officially move out of Eclipse Season with the Taurus New Moon. This New Moon offers us a chance to get clear on what we wish to nurture and nourish in our lives. We are called to create deliberate and conscious intentions around where we are directing our energy.

Overall, April is a busy month, but it does move us further away from the wounds of the past and closer to the promise of a brighter future.

Here are the key astrological alignments we will be working with:

April Astrology 2025

April 3: Venus Conjunct North Node

In the first part of April, Venus and the North Node come together in Pisces with Saturn and Mercury hovering close too! This technically forms a stellium, where we have a line up of planets all within a few degrees of one another. I have separated the alignments to help us wrap our heads around it better, but keep in mind that Venus, the North Node, Saturn, and Mercury will all be intermingling their energies as we begin the month!

Venus and the North Node coming together indicates some strong karmic clearing. Venus is currently in retrograde, so this enhances the karmic effects. It seems that we are being called to break down barriers around our hearts that have been there for a long time. We are called to really feel, to really sit with the wisdom of our heart center, and to recognize its power.

So many of us move through life caught up in our heads and repetitive thoughts, but this alignment calls for us to bring our attention to our hearts, to lean into our feeling space, and to connect with a deeper and softer part of ourselves.

April 7: Venus Conjunct Saturn

As mentioned above, Venus, Saturn, the North Node, and even Mercury are all hovering close together. On this day, we experience the strongest fusion of Venus and Saturn. Once again, this points to some deep karmic clearing when it comes to our hearts. With the power of Saturn, we may feel a more practical approach is needed. We may have to set boundaries with others, challenge uncomfortable relationship dynamics, or set limits around what we are willing to tolerate. There may be a need for us to protect our heart space and to stand up for what we truly believe in. With Venus still in Retrograde, this could be a power time for healing old relationship patterns for good.

April 7: Mercury Direct

Mercury stations direct in Pisces after being retrograde since March 15. Mercury stationed retrograde shortly after the Blood Moon Eclipse on March 14, so more information may unravel from this time period as Mercury emerges from the underworld. Pay attention to signs and messages that are sent your way right now. You may experience a lightbulb moment or have a strong realization about something in your life.

April 12: Sun Chiron Conjunction

The annual meeting of the Sun and Chiron! This is a beautiful union that allows healing energy to flow! With all the retrogrades, eclipses, and karmic cycles being shattered over the last month, this is a power day to celebrate all that you are and to honor the skin that you are in. Chiron in Aries teaches us that we are most powerful right where we are. We don’t need anything outside of ourselves and we don’t need to be “perfectly healed” in order to lead a beautiful life. Chiron uniting with the Sun represents a rebirth when it comes to our wounding. It offers us a fresh start and holds the promise that we can move forward even if we have traumas and pains. Suffering is a part of life, but Chiron teaches us that these wounds of suffering can help make us who we are. They shape the softest parts of ourselves and often give rise to greater compassion, wisdom, and even psychic gifts. Honor where you currently stand and know that true healing is not the absence of wounds, but the acceptance of them. Fold your wounds into the fabric of your being and pursue all that lights you up.

April 12/13: Full Moon Libra

The Full Moon arrives in the sign of Libra. This Full Moon is connected to the Solar Eclipse we had back on March 29. More information from this time period may come to light, or we may start to recognize all of the healing work we have been doing. We may even start to feel that it has paid off for us! The energy of Chiron is still active under this Full Moon, so lean into this beautiful healing energy and recognize how your wounds have led you to a greater wisdom. Mars is active under this Full Moon, creating some tension. We may see this tension playing out in the world around us, or we may feel somewhat unsettled in our being. Mars can bring heated emotions to the surface, so we may find ourselves unearthing some repressed emotions or needing to let our anger have an outlet.

April 12/13: Venus Direct

Venus finally stations direct after being retrograde since March 1st. We are now moving away from the retrograde season that began in the first part of the year. Since December 2024, all the planets closest to the Sun – Mercury, Mars, and Venus have been in retrograde! This has definitely created a “retrograde season” that we have been working with. Chances are a lot of our attention has turned to the past and perhaps we have felt a lot of clearing take place. We may have found ourselves moving slowly or perhaps even needing to backtrack several times. This energy is now on the way out, and hopefully, we have been able to learn and seek wisdom from our past. With Venus stationing direct, we may also receive some information that helps to open and heal our heart space. Venus may reveal this to us slowly over the coming weeks as she emerges into her full strength. Either way, our heart space has been reborn and we are now ready to welcome the fresh energies that are on offer.

April 14: Saturn conjunct North Node

We are getting echoes of the energy that was present in the first half of the month. Saturn now comes into alignment with the North Node, sending more karmic waves our way. We are now being called to step up and take responsibility for our actions. No more playing the victim or trying to pass blame, we have to own up to all we have created and take charge in a positive direction. We may feel some weight on our shoulders at this time as we are forced to deal with some difficult or perhaps uncomfortable situations. Take ownership of what you can and allow the rest to unfold. There may be some harsh lessons involved, but don’t forget, Saturn is considered our Master Teacher, and when we embrace the lessons it brings, we can very quickly find ourselves reaching a new level of mastery and accomplishment. Saturn pushes us hard, but that’s only because it knows we can climb higher.

April 16: Mercury enters Aries

Mercury re-enters Aries as it begins to pick up speed and move further out of its retrograde shadow. With Mercury in Aries, we may find ourselves more decisive and quicker to take charge. This energy dynamic is also great for making forward moves in our lives. If you have been feeling stagnant or uncertain about how to proceed, this energy will help to give you the confidence needed to make a move.

April 18: Mars enters Leo

Mars re-enters Leo as it begins to pick up speed and move further out of its retrograde shadow. There is a trend forming now in our cosmic skies where we are able to move out of the past and into new, fresh territory. Mars in Leo may bring issues from October of last year back around for consideration, but we can now see things from a new perspective. Mars in Leo is a fiery combination that can also help us to make decisions and get things done. Mars in Leo can also bring our focus to our heart space, helping us to connect with what we truly desire. This is a good time to lean into our passions and to make time for rest and play.

April 19: Sun in Taurus

Fiery Aries season has come to a close as the Sun moves into Taurus on this day. Taurus is a grounded, earth sign, so we may feel the urge to become more settled in our being or to lay some roots down for the future. If Aries Season represents the time that we plant seeds, Taurus Season is when we water and nurture those seeds so they can stand the test of time. What do you wish to nurture in your life? What do you want to feed and grow? Pay attention to where you are directing your energy- as where energy goes, intention flows. Taurus Season is also a time to slow down and seek the smaller pleasures in life. Being more deliberate about our actions and finding romance in the day-to-day are all ways to embrace this energy shift.

April 27: Taurus New Moon

We welcome the Taurus New Moon and our official close to Eclipse Season! A new lunar cycle begins under this New Moon, helping to clear the Eclipse energies into the background. If transformation or change has been brewing in our lives, we may feel more settled now or be able to see the new road that has been paved ahead. There is some intensity that flows around this New Moon coming from both Mars and Pluto, that could bring some rumbling or unsettling energies, especially in the world around us. There is some strong energy pointing to unrest in the global community and perhaps even some economic downturns. Bringing our focus back to what we wish to focus on will be important here.

April 30: Venus enters Aries

Venus re-enters Aries as it begins to regain former speed and strength since its retrograde. Venus returning to Aries may bring issues from earlier in the year back to the forefront, but this time around, we should be able to see things with a new and higher perspective. Venus rules over our relationships and has been working a lot on our heart centers over the last few months. We may feel more settled when it comes to who we wish to surround ourselves with and our personal values as we move through the world. Venus also rules over money, so insights about profits, commissions, and income may also come to light as Venus moves into Aries. We may have to make some swift or perhaps, harsh, decisions when it comes to our finances, but sometimes we need to put our interests first.

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About the author


Tanaaz is the creator of Forever Conscious. She is an intuitive astrologer and aims to use her writing to heal and inspire. She is also the author of several books including the Power of Positive Energy, Messages for the Soul, and My Pocket Mantras. She also runs online courses and in-person retreats.