8 of Swords, Interference, and Fortune
We received these exact same cards a few weeks ago, also on a New Moon! And under the influence of the current New Moon and Eclipse is the right time to listen to the message. This is the time to plant some of our biggest seeds and really believe in them in order to see them grow.
We have been getting this message so much this year so we gotta listen up! It is a perfect opportunity for us to really shine.
Fortune has been in our readings repeatedly. This means the Universe has a deeply powerful lesson for us and really wants our attention. Are we listening?
The Fortune card says: set your sights high! You limit yourself with small goals and small asks, but Fortune says reach for the Moon!
If you remember from past readings, Fortune is ruled by the bountiful god Jupiter. Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system and without Jupiter’s gravitational pull, our planet would not be intact.
For life on Earth to exist we need to have the right elements, we need to be a perfect distance away from the Sun and we need a big planet like Jupiter to help shield us from asteroids and comets.
Without Jupiter, we would not be here. So Jupiter is our good luck charm and our protector. And its energy is helping to open doors and bring prosperity.
But here is the catch, we have to ask for it! The Universe and the special powers of Jupiter cannot bring us what we want, or even greater if we don’t ask.
So why do we have such a hard time asking?
This card keeps coming up to tell us to put details to our dreams and truly ask for what we want. The card is demanding that we set our sights high and trust that with our work, the Universe will fulfill our wishes.
So why do we keep limiting our selves to small goals? Why can’t we ask for our big dreams?
Interference, or the 8 of Swords, tell us that there is a mental block. We are too busy and noisy in our heads. We are overthinking and getting in the way of our path. And the thoughts we are thinking are not so positive.
And an important question to ask is: Do we truly believe we are deserving of our dreams?
Perhaps we need to work on our feelings of self-love in order to ask for what we want. If we don’t love who we are, we might not believe we deserve the highest and best.
How can we show love to ourselves? How can we work on our most important relationship?
I think we show love to ourselves and others through being our best selves. During this New Moon and Eclipse, it is time to reflect on ourselves and our communities. Are we being our best?
How can we be more kind and more moral? How can we live out what is on our true hearts?
Take time this week to connect with your higher self. Think about your daily actions and how they contribute to raising the vibration of the planet.
Through self-care and kindness to ourselves, we raise up the planet. Through recognizing and respecting others we raise up the planet.
Through reflection, we will see how our outward actions reflect our inward hearts. When the two are aligned we will clear the Interference and start to believe more in our worth.
Our big dreams can start to grow and the Universe can support our path when this alignment takes place.
The Universe is pleading with us to set our sights high! And it wants nothing more than to help us achieve our goals.
Work on those blocks under this New Moon and Eclipse. Believe in your goodness through reflection and action. The seeds you plant during this time will be incredibly powerful. I can’t wait to see them bloom.
Mantra for the week: I am ready to listen to the Universe and set my sights to the highest. My actions and heart are in alignment and believe in the growth of my dreams.