Nikki’s Weekly Reading: October 28-November 3, 2024

Weekly Reading

The cards pictured are from Uusi’s ‘Pagan Otherworlds’ deck.

Four of Pentacles and Ten of Pentacles

This week is packed with big, energetic days: Halloween, Day of the Dead, the start of a new month, and a New Moon in Scorpio. Our cards help to ground and guide us as we navigate the days ahead.

Our first card, the Four of Pentacles, is about creating and sustaining a solid and positive foundation. It asks us to take stock of what gives us stability and builds us up. And to create boundaries with anything that brings us down.

Our strength with this card comes from our deep connection to ourselves, our community, and the planet. It wants us to know our existence is more extensive than just ourselves, and the universe supports us deeply.

The Four of Pentacles makes me think of our homes and creating a sanctuary within the places we live. The themes with this card are home, family, and ancestry, which also connect with Halloween and Day of the Dead.

This card invites us to create a safe and calming space. It calls us to organize, clean, and beautify. Our home is the place that will nourish and energize us before we go out into the world. It deserves our love and attention.

Through the Four of Pentacles, we can see how far we have come and all the people and places that love and support us. We connect with our spiritual practice and journey to our higher self. We notice everything we do daily to prioritize our mental and physical health. We feel strong.

From this place of strength, we can launch into the world and build a bigger and bolder life. And a solid foundation is essential to the sustainability of our growth.

Our second card is the Ten of Pentacles, a glorious card that will support us as we embrace the transition in the cosmos.

The number ten in the Tarot is all about looking back and reflecting at the end of a cycle before we launch into a new one. To achieve greater financial, personal, or professional success, we must first hold gratitude for what we currently have.

The Ten of Pentacles wants us to understand how strong we are and how many resources we already have. It is a card about connecting with the richness of our lives.

We are being called to take stock of our wealth. Whether materially, personally, or spiritually, the more we notice what we have, the more we amplify that energy. 

As we enter a new month marked by a New Moon, ask yourself: What are the biggest assets in my life? What is going well? What brings me peace? What am I most grateful for?

Carve out some time to think about your personal riches and write them down. Then, read them out loud and feel the powerful emotions that wash over you as you hear the words.

We are asked to look beyond our material goals and see how valuable a quiet morning walk can be if we let it. Our friends, families, and earth give each of us so much, and under the Ten of Pentacles, we can really feel it.

Let’s focus on all we have that makes us rich. Think of the things that truly matter and make us feel blessed. From this place, we can set our intentions for the next season and call in abundance and success.

Mantra for the week: Rooted in strength and gratitude, I draw in more of what I cherish most.

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About the author

Nikki Fogerty

I have been studying and working with tarot for two decades. Helping people dive deeper into their lives through the cards is my passion. I will support your ability to connect with your own intuitive wisdom and joy.

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