Nikki’s Weekly Tarot: December 26, 2022-January 1, 2023

Weekly Tarot

The cards pictured are from the Crowley Thoth Tarot Deck.

Ten of Disks and Lust

Before we dive into the cards, let’s first take a deep breath, put our hands on our hearts, and thank ourselves for making it through another year.

We should feel proud of all the hard work, kindness, and tenacity we showed in the past months. Life continues to be beautiful and challenging but we always make it through.

As we come to the end of the calendar, the cards again share their wisdom and support. Tarot is a tool I feel gratitude for year after year. The cards continue to allow us to hear guidance from the universe and connect to our intuition.

The first card we are working with is the Ten of Disks, and it’s a perfect card to support us as we wrap up 2022. The number ten in the Tarot is all about looking back and reflecting at the end of a cycle.

In order to move to an even greater place financially, personally, or professionally (which we often wish to do in a new year), we must first hold gratitude for what we have now.

Sometimes we find ourselves only acknowledging negativity, and we don’t want to get stuck in that place. The universe wants us to recognize all the good we have in order to open the door to greater abundance.

The Ten of Disks, also known as Wealth, wants us to know how strong we are and how many resources we already have. It is a card about connecting with the richness of our lives.

We are being called to take stock of our wealth. Whether materially, personally, or spiritually, the more we notice what we have, the more we will amplify that energy. 

Ask yourself: What are the biggest assets in your life? What is going well? What are the things that bring you comfort? What are you grateful for?

Carve out some time to think about your personal riches and write them down. Read them out loud and feel the powerful emotion that washed over you.

Our friends, families, animals, and planet give each of us so much. When we look at 2023, we are being asked to look beyond our material goals and see how valuable an afternoon in nature can be if we let it.

As the year ends, focus on all we have that makes us rich. Think of the things that truly matter and make you feel blessed. From this place, we call in abundance and success.

Our next card brings a slightly different energy as we close out the year. The figure on this card has a lust for life and holds great confidence. She knows she has always made it through her toughest days. She takes the skills from her past and uses them to propel herself forward.

Lust asks us: How can you listen more to your heart and less to your head? What makes you feel good down in your bones? What do you deeply desire?

Trust is an essential part of Lust. It wants us to let go of our fears by trusting that we can handle stepping out of our comfort zone. We are not fragile and will not break from doing something unconventional.

Sometimes we are too aware of what can go wrong, and it holds us back from living our lives. Lust wants us to let go of our overly cautious nature and start living in alignment with our hearts.

The figure on the card is drenched in gold, fully embracing her body as she rides a multi-headed lion. She is both in control and out of control at the same time. She is full of pleasure and power.

We are called to do what we crave most, to swim in the ocean and say I love you to those around us. We only live in this body once, and we can choose to live boldly.

How can you embody this card? How can you indulge without fear? How can you live in the moment and go after what your heart desires?

Lust asks us to take at least one brave step this week. Do not let fear or judgment hold you down. Take pride in a rebellious act and see what unfolds.

We are entering the new year with gratitude and a plan to take more risks. We call in joy, love, and courage for 2023. And I am thankful for each and every one of you that are part of this journey.

Mantra for the week: I am grateful for all the good in my life. I allow my heart to lead me forward.

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About the author

Nikki Fogerty

I have been studying and working with tarot for two decades. Helping people dive deeper into their lives through the cards is my passion. I will support your ability to connect with your own intuitive wisdom and joy.

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