Nikki’s Weekly Tarot: January 2-8, 2023

Weekly Reading

Knight of Cups and Ace of Wands

As we enter the first days of 2023, we have a Full Moon in Cancer on January 6th. It is a powerful week of focusing, recharging, and renewing.

The first card to support us this week is the Knight of Cups. Depicted on the card is a knight reaching toward a glowing chalice in the clouds. His determination is powerful, his energy is focused, and nothing can stop him from his path.

This card speaks to those times when we become hyperfocused on setting and reaching our goals, which many of us are at the beginning of a new year. The card warns against attaching our worth as a person to our achievements and calls us to think about our goals more holistically.

If we are too narrow in our vision or want things to look perfect, we remove the chance for spontaneity or creativity. If we have tunnel vision, there is less room for the Universe to intervene or for us to notice the bigger world around us.

The Knight of Cups calls us to dream without forgetting to open our eyes to all the possibilities. It’s okay if we veer off the path and it’s good to let go of control. It wants us to remember that things don’t always look as we expect.

This is also a way to work with the energy of the Cancer Full Moon. We can work on releasing too specific of expectations and our need to control them.

This will aid in our ability to step into our power because our need to control is usually wrapped up in fear or lack of trust. We can set our new year intentions but have faith for our path to unfold in a myriad of ways.

Our second card this week is the Ace of Wands. It is all about connecting to what makes us feel motivated and inspired, especially at the start of the new year.

Wands are about purpose, fire, and spirituality. As an Ace, it has all the potency of the Wands in one card. It calls us to connect to what makes us feel energized.

The Ace card challenges each of us to look for hope and positivity. It asks us to see the best in a situation, even when our mind is thinking the worst.

The Ace of Wands allows us to connect with the light inside of our hearts and see the light in others. We are able to connect to our true essence, the part that animates us and lives beyond our physical form.

We are all doing the best we can at any given moment. The more caring we can be, the better we will feel, and the more our core essence can come through and light the way.

Use the Ace of Wands to amplify your kindness of spirit and connect to your purpose. Use its energy to find the way to your personal path through love and grace.

Through the vibration of this card, we are also called to break out of normal routines and do things that remind us of our fire. Think of ways you can step out of your comfort zone or take positive risks in 2023.

Anything that sparks your fire will help you connect to the Ace of Wands. What have you always wanted to do but were too scared to? What brings out the passion inside of you? How can you use this energy to align with your purpose?

These questions will help us tap into the Ace of Wand’s vibrations and the Knight of Cups will help us stay focused on this path. We are setting the foundation for a positive and expansive 2023.

Mantra for the week: I connect to the fire inside of me. I let go of my need for control and embrace the unknown.

If you want to go deeper through a personal reading for the new year, check out to sign up!

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About the author

Nikki Fogerty

I have been studying and working with tarot for two decades. Helping people dive deeper into their lives through the cards is my passion. I will support your ability to connect with your own intuitive wisdom and joy.

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