Nikki’s Weekly Tarot Reading: August 10-16, 2020

weekly tarot august 2020

The cards pictured are from the Modern Witch Tarot.

The 3 of Cups and The Knight of Wands

We have two lovely cards this week bring us inspiration and wisdom. They usher in a wave of fresh energy and shine a light on areas that need some attention.

The Knight of Wands is an active and fiery card. It shares with us its enthusiastic, perceptive, and highly motivated demeanor.

Under the influence of this card, our insights will heighten. Signs from the Universe will be amplified and projects will take off with greater energy and ease.

There are also unexpected shifts under this card. Blockages will be swept out of our path, allowing us to move forward in whatever direction we choose.

The Knight of Wands is seen as an extremely strong but compassionate soul. There is a respect for multitudes of living things and an ability to see the interconnectedness of life.

This is the card of getting things done, but in a highly respectful and efficient way. It’s about getting what we want through thoughtfulness not just our raw passion.

So, make sure you take advantage of this energy this week. Tackle a job that you have been putting off or launch a project you have been sitting on.

Use these vibrations to push something forward that needed an extra boost. You will have the wind in your sails with the Knight of Wands.

The 3 of Cups is about community and celebration. It is also about the inspiring abundance of the planet.

When the 3 of Cups appears, we feel called to honor the rare and sacred humans who truly know and accept us. These are the people who have loved us at our lowest moments and and bring us joy and laughter beyond measure.

The 3 of Cups foresees us spending time with those we love this week and creating special memories. I know this is complicated during a global pandemic. So if we do gather, we need to make sure we do it in the safest and most respectful way.

Maybe we see a few friends outdoors or spend some time with family. Maybe we connect with our people online or send a loved one a gift in the mail.

Whatever we do, we make it a joyous occasion. We find any excuse to celebrate even the smallest of successes.

It is truly a gift to have good people in our lives, especially when the world is dark and painful. So let them know how much they mean to you and honor your bond.

Connecting with loved ones will also give us the chance to share encouragement for whatever it is we are going through. We will be able to cheerlead one another through our goals, dreams, or struggles.

This will aid the support we are getting from the Knight of Wands and make our ability to move forward even stronger. We can do anything through the love and confidence of our people standing behind us.

Mantra for the week: I can achieve anything through intelligence, compassion, and the support of my community.

I would love to pull some cards just for you. Check out to sign up for a personal tarot reading.

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About the author

Nikki Fogerty

I have been studying and working with tarot for two decades. Helping people dive deeper into their lives through the cards is my passion. I will support your ability to connect with your own intuitive wisdom and joy.

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