Nikki’s Weekly Tarot Reading: August 19-25, 2024

Weekly Tarot

The cards pictured are from the Crowley Thoth Tarot Deck.

The Fool and Knight of Wands

We start this week with a Full Moon in Aquarius, and shortly after, Virgo Season begins on August 22. The cards serve as guidance to help harness the energy, providing insights on how to access its special potency.

Our first card is the Fool, a symbol of youthful energy. The Fool highlights a child’s fantastical imagination, creative mind, and adventurous spirit.

It is the first card in the Major Arcana, bringing the energy of a new soul unfamiliar with life’s trials and tribulations. It is all about taking risks and lightening our emotional baggage. If the Fool had a mantra, it would be: Leap, and the net will appear.

We can tap into this place when we allow room for exploration. We can invite the Fool in by listening to our spontaneous and creative spirit.

The vibrations of this card push us to move through our fears and step into the present. The Fool calls us to focus on areas of our lives where we want to take chances.

The Fool is connected to starting new relationships, business ventures, or projects. This card is most activated when fresh paths are being taken. It is a great card to guide us as we enter a new astrological season.

So ask yourself: What adventure do you want to embark on? Is there a project you want to start? Do you want to open your heart to new people? Do you want to open your heart to yourself?

Many of us have become too familiar with heartbreak, fear, and failure, making us afraid of leaping. But the Fool believes in the goodness of our being and lovingly encourages us to take down our walls.

Our second card this week is the Knight of Wands. This card is all about vision, leadership, and fire. It is energetic, enthusiastic, and aware. The influence of this card and the Full Moon heightened our insights.

This Knight is full of warm enthusiasm and is ready to go. He is often known as the ‘Lord of Lightening’ and can bring new energy to stagnate situations. He feels right at home with the beginning of Virgo Season.

There will be unexpected shifts this week that lead you to new paths. Places where you have felt blocked will open up. You will take on a more positive perspective under the influence of the Knight of Wands.

This is the card for getting things done respectfully and efficiently, which is very much Virgo’s vibe. It’s about getting what we want through thoughtfulness and passion.

Under the Knight of Wands, we take on a more positive perspective. This card causes unexpected shifts in energy. Blockages are swept out of our path, allowing us to move forward in our chosen direction.

Use this gentle strength to propel yourself forward. A grounded but confident approach will open doors that were once closed. You will be able to connect in ways that make others feel safe and allow you to move forward with grace.

We open our minds and see things differently. We also see that asking for help should be a priority, especially if we have felt stuck on our own.

With the support of the Knight of Wands, we will get out of our way. He knows there is no time like the present, and we already have everything we need to be successful if we only believe it.

This is a week of taking significant steps forward and using the energy to our advantage. Make sure you don’t sleep on these vibrations. This is our moment to make things happen.

Mantra for the week: We set our sights high and fearlessly open our hearts to love.

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About the author

Nikki Fogerty

I have been studying and working with tarot for two decades. Helping people dive deeper into their lives through the cards is my passion. I will support your ability to connect with your own intuitive wisdom and joy.

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