The cards pictured are from the Crowley Thoth Tarot Deck.
The Chariot and Five of Cups
This week brings the Solstice on December 21. The Solstice marks the shortest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere when we honor the darkness and the light yet to come. In contrast, it is the longest day of the year in the Southern Hemisphere, where we celebrate the light and acknowledge the darkness that will follow. The December Solstice also signals the start of Capricorn Season.
Yule and Litha, also known as Midsummer, celebrate the power of the Solstice. They provide significant opportunities for ritual and spending time with loved ones. The cards guide us during this heightened season and encourage our growth.
Our first card is the Chariot, illustrating taking charge of our lives and actions. It is about showing up as our whole selves, building our strength, and taking risks. As we look to 2025, this card might reveal our goals.
The Chariot is not afraid to live the life that they want. They are no longer held back by what others think or the burden of doing what they should do. They know life is too short and have decided to embrace the moment.
This can show up specifically through travel or expanding our world. The card calls us to life-affirming movement and effort.
Ask yourself: What are ways you can embody The Chariot’s energy? Is there a dream you can start planning and saving for? Where does your spirit call you? Where does your heart want you to go?
Take time this week to think about these questions. Write down the places you are called to and how you could get there. Think practically about the steps needed and when would be the best time.
Focus on the ways you can strengthen your foundation. Take care of your body and mind, get your house in order, and examine your finances.
These things will help you feel strong and organized and perfectly align with Capricorn Season. From this place, your plans will seem less like a fantasy and more like a reality.
The Chariot is not just about imagining but putting your dreams into action. The four pillars of the cart point to a solid foundation. They show us that building a strong base in ourselves can be our launching pad to take flight.
Our second card this week is the Five of Cups. This card comes up in times of emotional sensitivity. We see five empty cups, representing feelings of depletion. Decaying water lilies and their knotted roots symbolize our inner troubles below the surface.
Our disappointment reflected in this card can come in many forms—disappointment with ourselves, others, or the world itself. Maybe we are disappointed with certain people in our lives. Maybe we had high expectations, and things did not turn out how we wanted. Maybe we feel overwhelmed by all the suffering in the world.
The Five of Cups asks you to feel your feelings. It tells you it is okay to feel disappointed; it is part of the human experience and common around the holidays. Let yourself cry, write down your thoughts, and really grieve.
However, if you look closer at the roots at the bottom of the card, you will see something else: a butterfly. The message from the Five of Cups is that pain can be our catalyst for change and fuel our metamorphosis.
When a caterpillar becomes a butterfly, it digests parts of itself. Cell groups then turn the liquid material inside the cacoon into the butterfly’s eyes, wings, and other structures. It is truly remarkable.
The Five of Cups calls us to digest our pain and turn ourselves into something new. We can be our version of a butterfly that floats on the wind and finds the nectar of each passing flower.
This week, the Chariot, the Five of Cups, and the Solstice bring their transformational force. They show us how to move through our emotions and remind us of our power. We have everything we need to move ahead with wisdom.
Mantra for the week: I allow adverse experiences to be my teacher and take tangible steps toward my dreams.
Please visit to book your personal tarot reading or purchase a reading as a gift for a loved one. Looking forward to connecting with you!