7 of Disks, Failure and 8 of Swords, Interference
When things go wrong, not according to our plans, when they fall through and we fail, we get really scared. We are scared into inaction and we are scared from moving upwards.
Pulling the Failure card is not fun. My initial reaction is that it is a ‘bad’ card. I think, this is not the card for me it must be wrong. I am averse to this card at first, even after all my work with it.
I know that it is a positive a card. A card that means we are ready to take risks. We are about to learn more than we ever could if it was only blue skies ahead. But I still feel resistance to it.
We live in a culture where people only present their highlight reel. We see their successes and best days on Instagram, we hear about how busy and well they are doing. Most people do not share their failures and if they do, they are sugarcoated through the lens how successful they are now.
Failing is messy business. It is hard,fear-provoking and depleting. Whether it is a failed relationship, business, or personal goal, we doubt ourselves when we fail.
We think there is something wrong with us and we are doomed to fail forever. We cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel and how we feel now is how we will always feel.
But as annoying as it sounds, failures make us much wiser and stronger people than successes ever could. They teach us how to love ourselves regardless of our outside circumstances and they teach us how to persevere when faced with heartbreak.
The truth is that nothing is wrong with you. Failure happens to every single person, regardless of what you see posted online. Everyone is struggling. Marriages end, people lose money, and things don’t work out.
It is what we do with those failures that determine our relationship with failing. Now, it sucks to fail and we have to let ourselves feel that. We need to morn whatever it is we lost.
But we should also let ourselves feel proud. We were brave enough to try something. We let ourselves be vulnerable and we took a risk. We should feel good about that.
We should take time to evaluate what happened and what went wrong. How can we grow and change so that we can be more successful next time? How can we be kinder to ourselves when we do fail? And how can we manage our fears so they don’t lead to inaction?
These are all questions to contemplate when we are faced with a failure. Working with these questions will lead us to more strength and wisdom as we move forward. They will help us build a more loving relationship with ourselves.
The Failure card has seven coins in a pattern that looks like eyes peering out towards us. There are also beautiful dark blue feathers that create a lovely pattern. I have always seen these coins and feathers making the shape of an owl.
Owls have long been the symbol of wisdom. And to me, that is what failure is all about. There is a difference between being smart and being wise. Wisdom is a deeper more intuitive feeling. It comes from experience and age. When you share wisdom, people gain insight into their own experiences and avoid painful mistakes. Failure makes you wise.
The 8 of Swords is here to emphasize the message from the 7 of Disks. It wants us to be careful of the trap of inaction.
The 8 of Swords is also called Interference. The word ‘interference’ is speaking to all the thoughts in our head that are interfering in our ability to just listen to one thought at a time. We are clouded with overthinking and eventually we become paralyzed by it.
This is especially tricky when it comes to failure. We might spend all our time questioning what went wrong that we may never take the next step of trying again. The 8 of Swords wants us to spend time in meditation calming our mind and listening to one thought at a time.
Once we have spent time moving through our questions and evaluations of what when wrong, we need to put ourselves back out there. We cannot spend too much time in the contemplation phase.
The holidays will be a great time for restorative practices and quiet reflection. But come the new year, we should take risks again. We should go for what is in our hearts and push through our fears of failing. Because even if we do fail again, this time we will have the tools to make it through with strength.
Mantra for the week: I love myself even when I fail. I become wiser and more resilient. I do not let fear hold me back from success.