Nikki’s Weekly Tarot Reading: December 2-8, 2024

Weekly Reading

The cards pictured are from the Crowley Thoth Tarot Deck.

Ten of Wands and Nine of Disks

The first card we are working with is the Ten of Wands. Through this card, we become aware of all the burdens we have been carrying and the exhaustion we feel. The number ten shows us we are at the end of a cycle, and things cannot continue at this rate.

The many wands of this card represent our thoughts, worries, and responsibilities. We built them up slowly, but now the load is too heavy to carry, and we are at our limit. Things might feel heavy or out of our control. We strongly desire change, but that change feels elusive.

Our hope may be waning because we are not seeing the impacts of our efforts. The emotions that might come up are irritability and disappointment. But since we know we are at the end of a cycle, a new path is on the horizon.

The Ten of Wands also points to a block in our communication. There are things we want to get off our chest that we have had a hard time saying. Perhaps we do not know the right words to express how we feel.

How can we better articulate our needs this week? How can we seek assistance when everything feels overwhelming? What steps can we take towards achieving our desired outcome?

I recommend writing things down. Write what you need to release and where you want to see changes. Doing this will help get the energy out of your body and into the universe, where it can be processed and eventually healed.

We are being called to work on the wands we are carrying and allow others to help us. Remember, we do not have to take on everything all at once. As a first step, start by sharing your burdens aloud and the go from there.

Our second card is the Nine of Disks. This card is about receiving back the energy we give out. It tells us that we will begin to see the results of all our work and investments. We will start to experience a return of what we have been putting out into the world.

This could be connected to our finances, our personal relationships, or our physical health. Disks are all about those tangible elements, so be on the lookout for those gains.

This card rarely indicates sudden success or wealth from out of nowhere. The gains this card points to are from our hard work and dedication. Contemplate what areas you have been working on.

Have you been putting in the time to build strong relationships? Have you been investing in your health or career goals? Have you made important changes with your future in mind? Have you just been trying to be more optimistic?

Your efforts will not go unnoticed this week, and you will start to see the fruits of your labor. When you spot any positive gains, take the time to be grateful. The act of gratitude only grows our gifts.

The Nine of Disks calls us to reflect on all our hard work and to be thankful for the good things. Investing in ourselves and others is always worth our time. Taking time to appreciate ourselves and those around us will only make our lives more beautiful.

Mantra for the week: I let go of what I can no longer carry and invite in supportive energy. I am grateful for all I have and all that will be.

If you like the weekly readings and want to go deeper, head to to book your personal session with me.

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About the author

Nikki Fogerty

I have been studying and working with tarot for two decades. Helping people dive deeper into their lives through the cards is my passion. I will support your ability to connect with your own intuitive wisdom and joy.

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