The cards pictured here are from the Aquarian Tarot deck.
Seven of Rods and Five of Rods
This week, there is a calling from the universe to look inside and feel our strength. We can handle anything life throws our way, we only need to trust in ourselves.
The themes this week speak to both our bravery and intuition. The cards are influenced by our last Full Moon of 2022, which peaks on December 7-8 in the sign of Gemini, and show us how to work with its energy.
Our first card is the Seven of Rods and is centered around the idea of courage. It is about feeling our fears and doing it anyway. It calls us to acknowledge our limitations and anxieties and to carry them with us as we move forward, never letting them shrink our world.
There is always something to worry about, a new fear in the news or our lives each day. We will miss out on so much if we let our fears control us. We can focus on these worries or we can summon our strength and continue to grow.
When we connect to the energy of the Seven of Rods, which calls us to look inward, some fears may arise. Ask yourself: What are you afraid of? What is holding you back? How can you both recognize the fear and still move forward?
The Seven of Rods does not want fear to hold us back. It reminds us that if we did not feel fear, courage would not be needed. We have been working on our dreams and it’s time to have the courage to take action.
Under the Full Moon this week, we feel the power to release our fears and cleanse the worries that inhabit our space. We are ready for this push as we do some deeper reflecting with our next card.
The Five of Rods has come up twice this month, so we are really being called to its message. This card asks us to tune in to our emotions, even our messiest parts that harbor feelings of anger. It calls us to investigate what makes us irritable, uncomfortable, or gives us a bad attitude.
This card wants us to be mindful of the things that test our patience. We notice what rubs us wrong, especially when it comes to our relationships. It wants us to question these things and see if there is another way.
Do we have to do the things that irritate us? Do we need to be around the people that bother us? Is this environment right for us? Can we make positive changes?
We are called to slow down and investigate our world. Take note of what you are doing and how you are feeling when you are doing it. Step out of autopilot and tap into your awareness.
You will see you have the agency to create a better experience for yourself. You are not just stuck with the way things are and can create something new.
Maybe you make changes by having more boundaries with your family, friends, or coworkers. Maybe you decide to listen more and not engage in conflict. Maybe you start to delegate and say no to things that you don’t what to do.
This week, you will have the opportunity to make changes (no matter how small) that will support your happiness. You will feel a beautiful shift through your conscious choices.
Through our awareness and bravery, we start making steps toward our goals. By channeling the Seven and Five of Rods we can release what no longer serves with the support of the Full Moon in Gemini. Think about where we hold power and where we want to grow, the universe is listening.
Mantra for the week: I courageously let go of the fears that hold me back. I invite fulfillment and peace to my life.
If you like the weekly readings and want to go deeper, head to to book your personal session with me. Readings also make an excellent holiday gift!