Nikki’s Weekly Tarot Reading: February 15- 21, 2021

weekly tarot reading

Tarot deck featured is from the Wild Unknown deck by Kim Krans.

The Six of Cups and the Four of Wands

We have extremely lovely cards for this week, they really took me by surprise. They are showing such hopeful and beautiful days ahead.

Perhaps this is because we are entering Pisces season on February 18/19 or because Mercury goes direct on February 20. Or maybe good energy is just coming our way because we deserve it!

The Six of Cups calls for us to deepen our current relationships, especially romantic relationships in our lives. It wants us to be present to the people we love and feel the pleasure that comes from that closeness.

The Six of Cups is a joyful card that sweetens the energy of any card it surrounds. It’s a card about recalling loving memories and reconnecting with folks from our past.

This week, the air will be ripe for tender remembrances. We could get an unexpected call from an old friend or have a joyful memory logged by a random song.

The Six of Cups embodies the pleasure of simple things and experiencing awe for our gorgeous planet. It calls for us to slow down and see the magic in our world. It asks us to honor even the smallest of creatures.

The card also speaks to being in touch with our sensuality. It wants us to connect to our own passion first, so we can then share it more deeply with others.

Spend time this week listening to your body and desires. If you have a romantic partner, share those desires with them. Open yourself up and connect to what feels pleasurable to you.

Pleasure in all forms is the theme of the Six of Cups. It wants us to embrace the idea that pleasure is our birthright. We all deserve to feel good and to enjoy our time on this amazing earth.

While the Six of Cups is about pleasure, the Four of Wands is about celebration. It is a lovely companion card that calls for us to amplify joy through the art of celebrating.

This card asks us to celebrate something we have completed or achieved. This could be something big like a graduation or a wedding, or something small like going for a jog or finishing a book.

It’s about congratulating yourself and your loved ones for a job well done. It is about taking time to appreciate hard work, slowing down, and honoring how far you have come.

For me, I think about how far I have come with my own mental health. There are no specific markers or dates to celebrate. But when I look back, compared to where I am at today, there has been a largely positive shift. There was no dramatic event, but small changes over many days.

How do you celebrate a more subtle achievement? How do you shout out a less obvious success? Think back to where you were a few years, weeks, or even days ago. Have you noticed any positive changes? Acknowledge these shifts by having a nice cup of tea and a baked good.

The energy of these cards will travel with us as we go through the week. Enjoy the loveliness of this time and fill your reserves with the kindness and love in the air.

Mantra for the week: Pleasure is my birthright. I celebrate successes both big and small. There is so much to be thankful for. 

If you want to go deeper, check out to sign up for a personal reading. I would love to share what wisdom the cards hold for you!

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About the author

Nikki Fogerty

I have been studying and working with tarot for two decades. Helping people dive deeper into their lives through the cards is my passion. I will support your ability to connect with your own intuitive wisdom and joy.

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