Nikki’s Weekly Tarot Reading: March 1-7, 2021

weekly tarot reading

The Eight of Swords and Knight of Wands

This week we enter a new month and we have fresh energy coming our way. Both cards share their wisdom on how to move through the days ahead.

The Eight of Swords and Knight of Wands have very different vibrations. Our first card says to press the brake pedal, while our second says to push the gas. We are learning how to navigate both so we can move forward with success.

With the Eight of Swords, something is interfering with the natural flow of energy. We feel stuck and there is a block. This interference may be causing us to slow down, feel nervous, or lose focus.

The 8 of Swords wants us to check in with ourselves. Are the blocks coming from inside us? Do we feel tension physically or mentally? Or is it coming from outside us? Is someone blocking us from reaching our potential or adding toxic energy to our lives?

In traditional Chinese culture, Qi is the vital life force that flows through everything. When we are healthy, Qi is believed to flow freely through the left and right sides of our bodies. If we have a block in energy, we might get sick, have muscle pain, or feel anxious and depressed.

You can work with your Qi by visualizing energy flowing freely throughout your body, without any blockages. Drinking plenty of water and moving in ways that feel good, also supports this work.

Spend some time thinking about your blocks this week. Back away from the places you feel stuck and instead focus on where things move with ease. Changing our focus will bring more free-flowing energy into our lives.

No use in hammering away on a blocked door if it will not open. Once we back away, then we can gain perspective and connect to places that feel lighter and more fruitful.

The Knight of Wands is an active and forward-moving card. It’s also energetic, enthusiastic, perceptive, and aware. The energy will help lift the stuckness of the Eight of Swords.

Under the influence of this card, your insights will heighten. You will see signs everywhere and be able to tap into their wisdom.

There are unexpected shifts in vibrations under this card. Blockages will be swept out of your path, allowing you to move forward in whatever direction you choose.

The Knight of Wands is strong but kind. There is a respect for all living things and an ability to see the interconnectedness of life.

This is the card of getting things done in a respectful and efficient way. It’s about getting what we want, through both thoughtfulness and passion.

Use this gentle strength to propel yourself forward. A grounded but confident approach will make doors open that were once closed. You will be able to connect in ways that make others feel safe and allow you to move forward with grace.

This will be a week of making big changes and using this energy to our advantage. Make sure you don’t sleep on these vibrations, it is our moment to make things happen.

Mantra: Blocks are removed and energy flows through me. Through passion and intelligence, I get things done.

I would love to pull some cards just for you. Check out to sign up for a personal tarot reading.

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About the author

Nikki Fogerty

I have been studying and working with tarot for two decades. Helping people dive deeper into their lives through the cards is my passion. I will support your ability to connect with your own intuitive wisdom and joy.

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