Nikki’s Weekly Tarot Reading: March 8-14, 2021

weekly tarot reading

The Queen of Swords and The Magus

This week, we have fresh energy coming our way with the New Moon in Pisces on March 13. It’s sharing its creative, intuitive, and healing vibrations. Our cards are the perfect companions to help us navigate all that is in store for us.

Our first card is the Queen of Swords; she is one of my favorite cards to work with in all of Tarot. She is a warrior that has made it to the other side of the battle and no longer cares what others think.

This queen has cut through all the lies and removed the armor that prevented her from connecting deeply with others. She understands that vulnerability is a strength and experience makes you stronger.

She can think with beautiful clarity and sees through the phoniness. She knows what is truly important in life.

Though she is tough, she has compassion for herself and others. She uses her sharp tongue when necessary but only in the right circumstances.

The queen goes straight to the heart of matters and is direct with her approach. She speaks her truth so she can live her life aligned with her values.

She has removed the disguise that kept her safe and now allows her real self to shine through. She is able to see through the disguises of others and knows that things go deeper than what is on the outside.

The Queen of Swords is bringing us all her gifts this week. She is helping us to speak our minds and allowing us to be vulnerable.

She wants us to take off our armor and share who we are with others. She wants us to use our intelligence and honesty to get closer to the life we want.

How can you use the incredible energy of the Queen of Swords this week? Who do you need to share your truth with? How can you be more direct and open in your interactions?

If we want to step into our personal power and joy, we will need to channel the beautiful energy of the Queen of Swords. So go out there, take your sword and slay.

Our next card is The Magus. This is the space we enter after we have come into our strength and vulnerability with the Queen of Wands. It’s also the fertile ground that is given to us with each New Moon.

Under the influence of this energy, we desire to go deeper into something more fulfilling. Perhaps investing in higher education, tackling a new project, or diving into something we have always wanted to do.

The Magus is here to remind us of our many talents and the different directions we could go. We are contemplating our skills and strengths and figuring out what we desire.

We will have luck on our side as we start our new path. We just need to decide what way to turn the wheel. Making strong choices will be the theme for this week.

Look out for how the Universe is guiding us to our future. There are signs and clues leading us to where we need to go.

The Magus is using his magic to show us the way. But you have to keep your eyes clear, your ears sharp, and your heart open. The New Moon is also the time to tap into where we go next, so the vibrations will be extra potent this week.

Allow the new energy to enter your world and the inspiration to take hold. We will end the week in a more contemplative and sensual place that will fill us with purpose.

Mantra for the week: I let all falsehoods and facades fall away. I step into the path of my potential.

If you want to know what the cards hold just for you, check out to sign up for a personal tarot reading.

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About the author

Nikki Fogerty

I have been studying and working with tarot for two decades. Helping people dive deeper into their lives through the cards is my passion. I will support your ability to connect with your own intuitive wisdom and joy.

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