Nikki’s Weekly Tarot Reading: May 9-15, 2022

weekly tarot

The cards pictured are from the Regal Shadow Tarot Deck.

Three of Swords & Eight of Cups

As we journey through Eclipse Season, we encounter places of growth we need to address. The Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse in the sign of Scorpio on May 15-16 will stir up a lot of feelings as well. The cards are here to help us navigate this time.

Our first card is the Three of Swords. When we get this card, we look at what it’s paired with to find out more about its meaning. The other card is meant to help us understand how to work with the Three of Swords’ energy.

The Three of Swords speaks to grief and loss and our other card, the Eight of Cups, speaks to our need for change. It often points to a job, relationship, or place that you have outgrown. Something in our life is no longer bringing us fulfillment or meaning.

Together these cards call us to contemplate our inner and outer world. The emotions may be heavy as we journey through some heartache, but we should not be afraid.

If we try to sail past hard emotions, we miss out on the richness of our experience and the wisdom we can gain. If we push away our dark feelings, we risk numbing ourselves to joy as well.

By sitting with our emotions and honoring them, the heaviness can be addressed. They will not go away immediately, but through our acceptance, they will dissipate.

Once we face how we feel, it will not be as scary or overwhelming. We can then work with the energy and think about what is really hurting us. We can talk to a friend, write a letter, and name the emotions.

We can also find refuge with others who might feel the same way. It is a universal experience to feel hurt and heartbroken. We are never alone in our emotions as everyone can relate to feelings of pain.

Some questions to ask yourself: How do you work with the pain from your past? How do you stay present with the feelings and not numb them away? What can you do to stay grounded and not let your emotions take you down?

Through working on our personal feelings, we might also be able to be there for someone else that is hurting. Through supporting a loved one, some of our own heartbreak can be mended.

We are releasing some of our pain so we can make room for new energy. And Eight of Cups is asking us to make bold choices so there is a fresh path before us as well.

When we receive the Eight of Cups it often speaks to a period of stagnation where we have felt tired and unable to generate positive energy. We have needed to make changes but we have just felt stuck.

The Eight of Cups is here to offer its truth and wisdom and help us see the light through the dark. It wants us to get out of the stuck feeling. We can do that by being curious about ourselves and taking steps to be more aligned with our growth.

It is a gift to know when we need to move on from things that are no longer serving us. These things will also become more clear during Eclipse Season. Once we climb out of the spot we are at, a whole new world will open up to us.

Use the energy of this time and the wisdom on the cards to accelerate your evolution. You are ready to bloom.

Mantra for the week: I am on a path of healing and growth. I embrace my emotions, let go of what no longer serves me, and take bold steps forward.

To book a personal reading with me, check out my website to sign up for a session!

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About the author

Nikki Fogerty

I have been studying and working with tarot for two decades. Helping people dive deeper into their lives through the cards is my passion. I will support your ability to connect with your own intuitive wisdom and joy.

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