Nikki’s Weekly Tarot Reading: November 18-24, 2019

weekly tarot reading

The Emperor and The Sun

Leadership has been on my mind lately. What kind of leaders are we? What do we admire in other leaders? How can we take charge in our lives and have a strong impact on others?

The Emperor card is one of sold, strong leadership. He does not lead with fear, manipulation or control. Instead, he leads by example, knowing his actions match his values.

He is confident in his abilities and does not need to flex his ego. Others see his quiet leadership and are drawn to his energy.

He brings out the best in those around him by encouraging them to be leaders as well. He builds others up and never takes anyone down.

Through relationship building he gains respect and loyalty. People follow him because it serves them well and adds positively to their lives.

Through the Emperor card we are called to ask ourselves: What qualities do I admire in others? Do I have those qualities in myself? How can I show up like the leaders I love?

The Emperor comes up this week to spark these questions in us. He comes to help us find the leader within.

You might be feeling a leadership drought or a lack of integrity in our current leaders. This may lead to feelings of unease and fear. Who can we look up to? Who is looking out for our interests?

The Emperor is here to show us that we should look to ourselves to lead. We are the leaders that will usher in the new way of being: a way of equality, kindness, acceptance, and creativity.

But we must not be afraid of our power! We must embrace our leadership ability and step into that role.

If you have felt called to be a leader or want to take on more responsibility and power in your life, consider this your sign. We have such a short time on this planet, take steps to align your actions with your heart.

Whether in your family, work, city, or country, start at whatever level feels best for you. Let the energy of the Emperor inspire you, let it move you out of your comfort zone. Let it embolden you to take the lead.

The Sun is about embracing our senses and immersing ourselves in the moment. It tells us to intentionally breathe and take in some natural beauty. It says to ground ourselves in the here and now.

This is a happy card that calls us to feel deep gratitude. The Sun card depicts rays of light flowing out into the Universe. Within these rays are the signs of the Zodiac. The figures on the card are literally frolicking on a hillside.

This level of joy might not feel natural. We might be caught up in heavier emotions. So if dancing in the sun does not feel like your thing right now, just take a moment to do something totally immersive instead.

Engage your five senses by taking a shower with some music on, eat a spicy meal in one of your favorite spots, or take a walk when the weather is cool. Focusing on your senses will take you out of your head for a moment and help you connect to this card.

The Sun card is a symbol of the ideas of life, death and rebirth. It offers the gifts of presence, hope, and faith. This is a card of healing, especially when it comes to our emotions.

So when the Sun card pops up it signifies happiness, along with a new sense of safety, protection, and recovery. The Universe wants us to know it is holding us, even if we can’t feel it right now.

How can you use these beautiful cards this week? How can we allow their wisdom to wash over us? How can we let down our resistance to their messages especially if we are in a dark place?

I may not be able to take in the words of these cards right away, but their gentle support is comforting. I hope their lovely gifts bring you inspiration and insight.

Mantra for the week: I step into my power as a leader. I am surrounded by love.

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Intuitive Astrology: Sagittarius Season 2019

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About the author

Nikki Fogerty

I have been studying and working with tarot for two decades. Helping people dive deeper into their lives through the cards is my passion. I will support your ability to connect with your own intuitive wisdom and joy.

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