Nikki’s Weekly Tarot Readings: November 21-27, 2022

Weekly Tarot

The cards pictured are from the Crowley Thoth Tarot Deck.

Five of Wands and Ace of Cups

This week we have New Moon in Sagittarius on November 23, bringing fresh and potent energy. We set our intentions as the vibrations of this moon wash over us. Our cards are here to help us navigate the days ahead.

This week also has many of us entering the holiday season. We are spending time with loved ones and are called to create peace in our inner and outer worlds. We bring our awareness to our emotions and our behavior. We see where we can make changes and be more compassionate.

The Five of Wands asks us to listen to our internal messages, even the ones that harbor feelings of negativity or anger. We are investigating what makes us irritable, uncomfortable, or gives us a bad attitude.

This card wants us to be mindful of the things that test our patience. We notice what rubs us the wrong way, especially when it comes to our relationships. It wants us to question these things and see if there is another way.

Do we have to be around that person? Do we have to do those tasks? Is this the right environment for us? Can we make changes?

We are called to slow down and investigate our world. Take note of how you feel and what you are doing. Step out of autopilot and explore your options.

Through this awareness, you find you have the agency to create a better atmosphere for yourself. You are not just stuck with the way things are.

Maybe you start having more boundaries with what you share with others. Maybe you decide to listen more and not engage in conflict. Maybe you start to delegate and say no to things.

Under the power of the New Moon and the Five of Wands, you will have the opportunity to make changes (no matter how small) to support your joy. You will feel a beautiful shift through your conscious choices.

Our next card is the Ace of Cups. This is a wildly energetic and powerful card. This card amplifies the vibrations of the New Moon and brings us loving positivity.

The Ace of Cups often comes up to indicate the beginning of a new creative project, an important relationship, or even the conception of a child. It represents the path to something that will bring us great joy and fulfillment.

Since this Ace is in the suit of Cups, we will be in alignment with our emotions and feelings this week. We will feel deep emotional satisfaction and connection to ourselves and others.

At a spiritual level, the Ace of Cups points to the Fool’s Journey. The cup depicted on the card is thought to represent the Holy Grail, or in Pagan terms, the Cauldron of Cerridwen. This cup or cauldron is a granter of wishes and a source of inspiration.

When we reach our Holy Grail, we have come to a place where we can enact our passions and dreams. We finally arrived at the place where our fantasies can really become our reality.

Ask yourself: How can you take the next step in your evolution? How can you share your loving energy? What has been in the works that is ready to be out in the world?

Channel the Ace of Cups and Five of Wands to set big and bold intentions under the New Moon in Sagitarrius. Think about where you hold power and where you want to grow, the universe is listening.

Mantra for the week: I am in control of my actions and my reactions. With an open heart, I bring more love to my world.

If you like the weekly readings and want to go deeper, head to to book your personal session with me. Readings also make an excellent holiday gift!

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About the author

Nikki Fogerty

I have been studying and working with tarot for two decades. Helping people dive deeper into their lives through the cards is my passion. I will support your ability to connect with your own intuitive wisdom and joy.

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