Nikki’s Weekly Tarot: September 12-18, 2022

Weekly Tarot

The cards pictured are from the Crowley Thoth Tarot Deck.

Eight of Disks and Four of Swords

This week’s cards highlight the importance of pausing, relaxing, and reflecting. They tell us it is okay to take a break and, in fact, it is necessary.

We are always striving to move forward and make things better. We have been working on our goals and prioritizing our mental and physical health. We have been caring for ourselves and others.

While this is all positive, the Four of Swords is reminding us to take a break and build up our reserves. We must pause often to rest and collect our thoughts.

A nice example of this comes from healing crystals. If we use a crystal repeatedly, it can get depleted and need to be recharged. By placing the crystal in the light of a full moon or cleansing it with fresh water it can be reinvigorated.

But how do we recharge ourselves? How do we replenish our powers? What rituals do we have to reset our energy?

Carve out time this week to do things that feed your soul and bring your peace. Prioritize relaxation and think about your self-care rituals. It will be important to really listen to this need to avoid a bigger burnout.

When we have a large burnout, it can take weeks or longer to recover. But if we connect to what relaxes us more often, we can sustain our power. By recharging regularly we protect ourselves from a major break down the line.

Another, and somewhat obvious, benefit of regular relaxation is our minds will feel calmer. It is hard to think straight when we are stressed and depleted, so calming activities will help our minds.

From this headspace, we can plan our next steps forward. We will be more effective in our work and creativity with a centered mind.

Our next card is the Eight of Disks. It also has a message of pausing and taking time to build up our reserves. The image on the card is of beautiful flowers being protected by thorny leaves. These leaves shield the flowers from the elements.

Because this card is in the suite of Disks, the message can speak to pausing our spending and building up our savings. However, on a deeper level, it is also about managing our material and spiritual energies so that we can sustain whatever path we choose.

In order to stay balanced and take care of our needs, we have to have good boundaries. We are called to use our voice and, for some, step out of our comfort zone to let others know what works for us and what doesn’t.

The Eight of Disks can also point to a period of rapid spiritual development and growth. If we are feeling depleted, we will not have enough energy to move at the pace we would like.

The card asks us: how can we protect our energy in order to move forward? How can we block the energy zappers in our life? How can focus on what makes us happy and strong?

The cards want us to live in our true vibrancy. They want us to have power behind our eyes and strength in our hearts. Say no this week to things that will deplete you and yes to things that will enrich you and see how things change.

Mantra for the week: I give myself permission to rest. I am stronger when I make time for myself.

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About the author

Nikki Fogerty

I have been studying and working with tarot for two decades. Helping people dive deeper into their lives through the cards is my passion. I will support your ability to connect with your own intuitive wisdom and joy.

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