Sagittarius New Moon Ritual November 2019

sagittarius new moon ritual

The Sagittarius New Moon on November 26th brings a lot of shifts along with it.

Not only do we welcome the start of a new lunar cycle, but the other planets in the sky are also very busy, almost like they are shuffling around and preparing for the huge waves of energy we are destined to experience come January 2020.

All of these cosmic changes may have us feel excited, ambitious but also a little tired and in need of a recharge and self-love.

This ritual is going to tie in this need to be kind and forgiving towards ourselves, but will also help us to recharge and get motivated if there is something we want to bring into our lives.

As always, feel free to edit this ritual to suit your needs!

Sagittarius New Moon Ritual 2019

This ritual is best done from November 25- December 8, 2019

You will need:


1.) Start as always by smudging your aura and then your surroundings. A few pointers to remember- as you smudge be sure you have a window open so the dense energy can escape! Also, when smudging your aura don’t forget to do front and back and the bottom of your feet!

As you smudge your aura, feel free to recite the following-

“I welcome in the changing air, I welcome in the new. I freshen my energy and recharge my aura, I bring all of me back to one. I am balanced, I am renewed. I am now cleansed from the bottom of my feet to the top of my head. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”

As you cleanse your surroundings and crystal feel free to recite the following-

“I cleanse away the heavy past, I cleanse all that has served its time. The energy of this space now aligns with the light and love that lives inside. I am whole. My space is whole. Warmth and love fill the air. May all work conducted in this space be protected and blessed. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”

2.) For best results, I recommend following the November Cosmic Guided Meditation. This is a heart-opening meditation that will help with the work that follows. But if you prefer you can do your own 10-minute meditation.

3.) Stand in front of a mirror or hold a mirror to your face. And just start by looking yourself in the eyes and saying hello to yourself. Ask yourself how you are doing. Really look into your eyes and care about what you are saying to yourself. It seems weird at first! But don’t worry, you can do it!

4.) Now looking at your reflection, speak some words of loving-kindness and forgiveness to yourself. Here is a prompt to get you started if you need, but the most important thing is that you speak from the heart and that you look into your eyes as you say this-

“I know you have been going through a hard time lately and I just want you to know that I think you are doing a really great job. I know you have been feeling (enter) about (enter) but I want you to know that it’s all going to be ok. I hope you know how loved you are, and I hope you also know that I forgive you. I forgive you for all the things you wanted to do and couldn’t. I forgive you for feeling the way that you do. I forgive you for any stresses or worries, or things you feel guilty about. I just want you to know I forgive you.”

End with some words of encouragement and support towards yourself. And don’t be afraid to keep the conversation going for about 10 minutes or so, this way you can really get deeper into the work!

5.) Once done, just allow yourself to sit with any emotions that have come up for you. If you like, close your eyes and place your hand over your heart center. Take 10 deep breaths here just allowing yourself to process the work you have just done.

6.) Now, take your crystal and hold it in your non-dominant hand. Think of something new you would like to bring into your life or a feeling you would like to bring into your life more regularly. Whisper your intention to the crystal, and then close it tightly in your hand like you are “sealing” in your wish.

If you are not using a crystal, feel free to do this same process with a precious piece of jewelry or a lucky charm.

7.) Keep the crystal by your bedside or carry it with you to remind you of your intention for as long as you like.

Happy New Moon!

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About the author


Tanaaz is the creator of Forever Conscious. She is an intuitive astrologer and aims to use her writing to heal and inspire. She is also the author of several books including the Power of Positive Energy, Messages for the Soul, and My Pocket Mantras. She also runs online courses and in-person retreats.