Everything in this Universe, including you is vibrating at a frequency. This is because you and everything around you is energy.
The energy of the Earth vibrates at a 528Hz frequency which is the same frequency as Love, the Universal Healer.
The frequency of 528Hz is believed to be so powerful that it can help repair and restore DNA damage, bring peace and harmony and restore equilibrium to everything around it. Talk about good vibrations!
528Hz is the sound of Love however, there are many conspiracy theorists out there that believe that modern day music, TV commercials and the like are programmed at a lower and unnatural 440Hz frequency which is designed to stimulate fear, sickness and oppression.
The theory is that the 440Hz frequency was adopted during the Nazi regime in order to control prisoners and lower their consciousness. Then in 1940 the US introduced 440Hz as the standard frequency.
440Hz is an unnatural tuning frequency and according to Dr. Leonard Horowitz “the music industry features this imposed frequency that is herding populations into greater aggression, psycho social agitation and emotional distress predisposing people to physical illness.”

When particles vibrate at 423Hz there is order and geometry. When they vibrate at 440Hz however, there is confusion and lack of structure.
When your environment and your body begins vibrating at a lower or an unnatural frequency it can cause illness throughout your body, mind and spirit. In fact, illness often manifests on an energetic level first and then moves into the physical level.
It is believed that when your body is in harmony it vibrates at around 62-68Hz and anything lower than this can contribute to a weakened immune system. Colds and flu’s are believed to start around 58Hz, whereas cancer can appear around 42Hz. Before death takes hold your energy is also believed to dip below 20Hz.
There are many factors that can lower your vibration including:
- Negative thoughts or being surrounded by negative people
- Watching violent or horror movies and watching TV in general
- Electromagnetic frequencies from cell phones, computers etc.
- Radiation from microwaves, wi-fi connections etc.
- Stress, anger and anxiety
- Poor diet, GMO foods and processed foods
- Exposure to household cleaning chemicals and pesticides
- Smoking, alcohol and drugs
Famous physicist, Nikola Tesla also researched energetic frequencies and claimed that if we could eliminate certain frequencies that interfered with our bodies then we could lower the chances of disease.
Just like certain frequencies bring about disease there are other frequencies that stimulate healing and regeneration.
These frequencies are known as the Solfeggio scale, which is believed to have been used in ancient sacred music and Gregorian chants.
Each Solfeggio tone is designed to balance the energy of your body in order to keep it in perfect harmony. The 6 main tones are:
- 396 Hz– liberates guilt and fear to help you achieve your goals
- 417 Hz– helps to deal with change and removes old patterns and habits
- 528 Hz– love and DNA repair, believed to bring about miracles
- 741 Hz– helps to solve problems and express yourself, also a powerful cleanser
- 852 Hz– awakens, allows you to see the truth, develops intuition
- 936 Hz– reconnects you to oneness and light
Another powerful healing frequency is 432 Hz and this is believed to help induce a mediative state, stimulate the heart chakra and bring harmony to the body. Studies have also found that listening to music at a 432 Hz frequency can help stimulate calmness and happiness.
Just by listening to these frequencies either through music, Tibetan singing bowls, gongs or tuning forks you can begin to stimulate healing, however here are some other techniques:
Vibrational Medicine
Essential oils, flower essences and homeopathic medicines are all believed to hold a powerful vibration and frequency. The most potent essential oil is Rose and has been measured at 320 Hz, followed by Lavender which has been measured at 118Hz. Most fresh herbs also have a frequency of 20-27 Hz.
Organic/ Farm Fresh Food
Fresh, organic foods seem to have the highest frequency ranging from 20-27 Hz. To put it in perspective, certain GMO foods and processed foods have a frequency of 0 Hz.
Gems and Crystals
Each gem and crystal emits its own unique frequency that work in harmony with own human magnetic fields. The frequency of a crystal will depend on its clarity, cut and how it has been processed.
Some high frequency gems and crystals include penfieldite, diamonds, quartz, danburite, moldavite, tanzanite, sapphire and brookite.
Positive Thoughts
Positive thoughts carry a vibration of 10-15 Hz so it is easy to see how your thoughts can quickly effect your overall energy and wellbeing.
Mediation, Chanting and Deep Breathing
Conducting certain Mudras and deep breathing during mediation can also help raise your vibration as can chanting. The famous ‘Om‘ or ‘Aum’ is also a great way to enhance your vibration and bring about calmness and harmony.
Spending time in nature is a great way to harmonize your energy and bring equilibrium to the body. Earthing which requires you to walk barefoot on the grass is also a great way to reconnect with the energy of the Earth.
We are all energy so it makes sense that the different energies around us can influence us on a physical, emotional and spiritual level.
If you are interested in listening to some free Sofleggio tunes click here.