Christmas. New Year. A winter Solstice. Yes its all happening.
Christmas is ( without being too ambiguous), an interesting time of year. Us human beings hustle and bustle around the world to see loved ones, spend a lot of our savings on jolly ‘ol Christmas gifts, gobble down oodles of food, and so the shenanigans continue…
It is also a season that brings to the forefront many anxieties, pain, loneliness and triggered behaviors as we are surrounded by our bloodline. It is a time where deep absence can be felt too if we are not surrounded by family, unlike the Xmas picture book on the shelf.
So too does the New Year bring about a good buffet of feelings. For some of us will be putting a lot of wear and tare on the body, drinking and celebrating, eating more oogles of food, and cheering our way through crowded parties and bursting out of our shells when the clock strikes twelve. Others will be alone, pondering the year ahead, the years gone by, and if this one will get a little brighter than the year before.
I have two key words that may help you move through this “heightened” time of year. Whatever this entails for you.
A lot of our preempted fears of the New Year, or handling the energies of family, can be given over to the powers of the Universe: a daily meditation/chat to those above asking for your worries to be put in “their hands”, and not your own can work wonders.
Here is a simple meditation you may like to follow:
- *Lie or sit in a comfortable position
- * Inhale and exhale; on the inhale imagine breathing in pure white light, and breathing out dark colors
- * Visualise/talk out loud every fear or worry that you are holding on to. Then imagine it leaving your body and being placed into a HUGE set of hands.
- Finish this meditation with your white light breaths and trust that you are no longer the owner of these issues. You have gifted them over. ( Yes, everybody likes presents!)
Have an ACCEPTANCE that you are meant to be where you are. That your worries are taken care of. ACCEPT that family are the way they are, and because you are free now of any negative thoughts, you truly can have a happiness and appreciation toward that which this silly season will bring you.
Use this great level of acceptance to then GIVE back. Smile at the Coffee Bean, call an old friend, give to yourself and take a long hot bath, donate to a charity, be kind and have a laugh with (the usually “pain in the booty”) family member.
By accepting what is in our world, trusting, and giving back- our world transforms.
Now Im not usually one for Xmas jingles, however, “Tis The Season To Be Jolly”- well…. why not? Falalalalaa- la-la- la… laaaaaa.