Virgo Super New Moon Ritual September 2020

virgo new moon ritual 2020

The September 17th Super New Moon falls in the sign of Virgo and is the first in a line up of three Super New Moons.

Super New Moons occur when the Moon comes close to the Earth. Even though the Moon will not be visible on this night, we will still feel the strong lunar energies around us.

While feelings of instability may arise under this New Moon, we can also use it to ground our energy and welcome the new beginnings that will eventually blossom. 

Here is a ritual to guide you – 

Virgo Super New Moon Ritual 2020

This ritual is best done between September 15-25, 2020

You will need:

  • Aura cleansing tool of choice
  • Comfy place to lie down with blankets/pillow
  • Timer
  • Soul Soothing Meditation 
  • Your favorite crystal (or piece of jewelry)
  • Pen and paper


1.) Start this ritual by cleansing your aura and then your surroundings. As you cleanse your aura and space, recite the following –

“I cleanse away the heavy pains; I cleanse away the past. I cleanse away all that keeps me trapped in the dark. I feel lighter now; my spirit is free; I connect with the love that lives within me. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”

2.) Light a candle if you like. Lay down on the floor in a comfy position. Keep yourself warm with blankets and use a pillow under your head or knees if you wish.

3.) Place your crystal on top of your third eye, belly, or heart center- use your intuition to guide you.

4.) Listen to the Soul Soothing meditation. This 10-minute meditation will help get you into a state of relaxation so you can integrate the rest of the ritual with ease.

Have your pen and paper nearby for later.

(Note: during the meditation, you will be asked to put your head back, know you can do this to whatever degree is most comfortable for you. Even just tilting your chin slightly back is fine. Once you are done with the exercise, you can return your head to normal position- just do whatever is most comfortable.)

5.) After your meditation, take your pen and paper and choose one of the following journal prompts. Set your timer for 20-30 minutes and start writing whatever flows. 

  • “What is my dream life? If I could have anything, be anything or go anywhere, what would I do?”
  • “If I wasn’t afraid and knew I couldn’t fail, I would…”
  • “My Spirit Guides want me to know…”

6.) After the timer has ended, read back over what you have written, or reflect on how you are currently feeling. If you have received some clarity, think about some actions you can take in the coming months. 

7.) Now, take your crystal and holding it in your hands, whisper a wish into it. Inhale, and imagine you are blowing the wish into the crystal using the power of your exhale. Sleep with the crystal next to you, meditate with it, or carry it with you for the next three days. 

Happy Super New Moon!

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About the author


Tanaaz is the creator of Forever Conscious. She is an intuitive astrologer and aims to use her writing to heal and inspire. She is also the author of several books including the Power of Positive Energy, Messages for the Soul, and My Pocket Mantras. She also runs online courses and in-person retreats.