The 11111 Gateway January 2018

1111 spiritual gateway

One of the things that makes 2018 so special is that it’s a number 11 year. In numerology, number 11 is considered to be a master karmic number that holds a sacred vibration.

It is believed that the vibration of the number 11 can create spiritual awakenings and unlock the divine realms.

When you see the number 11 often, it is considered a sign from your angels and spirit guides that you are aligning to your higher destiny and to a higher wave of consciousness.

All numbers hold their own sacred vibration and meaning, but 11 continually stands out as being one of the most enlightening and transformative.

11 is also considered to represent perfect balance between both masculine and feminine, and the material world and the spirit world. It represents a coming into alignment and balance.

This vibration is going to run through all of 2018, but dates like January 1, January 11, November 1 and November 11, are going to hold this energy in it’s highest form.

On these dates, we are all going to be able to experience the vibration and gifts that number 11 has to offer us.

You may be wondering how numbers can effect the energy and vibration of what we experience, but if you look a little deeper, it is possible to see that numbers hold creative potential, and their creative potential mirrors the formation of life on earth and the entire Universe.

This is ancient knowledge that was brought to life by Pythagoras. Even though Pythagoras was considered to be a mathematician, he was also a philosopher and believed that ‘all things are numbers’.

In fact, the study of numerology all began when people started to recognize that there is an order in the Universe and through understanding this order, they could unlock the secrets of life.

Nikola Tesla also stated that “if you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have the key to the Universe.”

Each number holds its own vibration and place in the creation of the Universe. When understanding how things are created or are manifested into reality, most numerologists focus on the numbers 1 through to 9. With 1 representing the beginning and 9 representing the ending.

Number 11 however, is believed to hold the vibration of the number 1 twice, making it more potent.

Number 11 is not just about the seed of creation, it is about taking that seed and moving it to the next level or to a higher dimension. It is about taking that single seed of energy and doubling its vibration so it can create something of a higher frequency, something that is totally aligned with the energy of unconditional love.

On days like January 11, we can use the energy of the sacred number 11 to raise our level of consciousness, connect with higher realms, and visualize or make a wish about what we want for the future.

All through 2018, the 11 gateway will be activated and we are all going to be able to experience and attune ourselves to the higher vibrations that follow.

On dates like January 1 and 11, and November 1 and 11, if you still your mind and tune in, you may be able to feel a heightened vibration or you may be able to manifest what you want onto earth with more speed.

On these days, spend time meditating and visualizing your energy merging with that of God or the Divine. You can also reach out to your angels, spirit guides or even deceased loved ones for comfort and guidance.

You can also use this energy to visualize something that you would like to create in your life. You can set an intention and begin putting the pieces in place to begin manifesting your wish into material form.

On a global level, this 11 energy will activate spiritual awakenings and will trigger people to think about how they can help others and help make this world a better place.

Stay open to the vibrations and energies that you feel in January with the 11111 gateway and see how they change or shift or manifest by November, where we will have the ultra potent 111111 gateway.

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About the author


Tanaaz is the creator of Forever Conscious. She is an intuitive astrologer and aims to use her writing to heal and inspire. She is also the author of several books including the Power of Positive Energy, Messages for the Soul, and My Pocket Mantras. She also runs online courses and in-person retreats.