This article is written by Elina Allais, a Reiki and Crystal healing practitioner. She is the creator of @CrystalPoems and the e-book – The Inspiring Story of 33 Crystals. You can join her for more on crystals on her YouTube channel.
When I think back to my childhood, it seems like the holiday season was somehow more magical back then – the streets of my hometown were covered with a thick blanket of snow, the lights on Christmas trees were brighter, and the gingerbread cookies were crispier. I wonder if it is just my sense of nostalgia that’s playing tricks with my mind?
Be that as it may, my inner child yearns to recreate the holiday season magic, and that’s what inspired me to write this article. Once again, I turn to crystals for inspiration and guidance.
Here is my intuitive selection of 3 crystals for this holiday season:
Red Aventurine

Red Aventurine crystal is a real superstar of the holiday season, as it carries bright, uplifting energies, and the joyful spirit of festivities. This crystal teaches us to make the most of each day and to live our lives to the fullest, no matter what challenges life throws our way.
As the holiday season progresses, we are guided to reconnect with our inner child – that part of ourselves that never forgets how to be playful and curious. Working with a Red Aventurine crystal helps us make the most of the season by charging us up with new energy and passion, and making us feel motivated to step out of our comfort zones.
The bright red hues of this crystal remind us of the beautiful holiday decorations hanging on trees and in shop windows. Red is the color of passion and vitality, that connects us with the life force energy flowing through each and every being on this planet.
Wearing red crystals as jewelry or carrying them in your pocket or purse can make you feel more energized and enthusiastic about life. It can also help boost your creative inspiration.

The simple, yet timelessly elegant Pearl reminds us that sometimes the simple things are what make life beautiful and worth living.
This is especially true during the holiday season, when people turn their attention to buying gifts and spending money on all kinds of festivities. In the midst of all that we tend to forget that sometimes, a simple act of kindness, such as helping a stranger, can make a much more valuable gift, or perhaps even save someone’s life.
Pearl is here to remind us to be kind to everyone we encounter, and to keep in mind that not everyone is celebrating during the holidays. There are those who have lost their loved ones, and those who are going through extreme hardships and challenges we cannot even imagine.
If you too are feeling a bit sad and lonely during this holiday season, working with a Pearl can help nurture your soul and restore your faith. The gentle and nurturing Pearl reminds us that we are never alone, for our Spirit Guides and loved ones who have passed away, are guiding and protecting us right at this moment.

The holiday season generally coincides with the Sagittarius Season, which brings us a sense of adventure and excitement. After the intense and more inward-focused Scorpio Season, we can once again turn our attention outwards, to explore and have fun.
However, all this exploring and socializing might also drain our energies and put us in danger of feeling burnt out. That is why it is a great idea to give some extra focus on grounding our energies.
While Sagittarius Season guides us towards enhancing our spiritual growth and gaining higher wisdom, it is important to keep our roots firmly in the ground. Bronzite has an incredibly potent earth connection and that is why working with this crystal can help us feel more grounded and balanced.
Bronzite reminds us that one way to gain higher wisdom is to learn from each other by sharing our stories of the suffering we have endured and the joy we have experienced over the course of the year.
During this holiday season, when families reunite and people come together, let’s all try to listen to our loved ones, friends, and family without judgment or blame. And even if we cannot be together with our loved ones, we can still hold them close to our hearts, let down our walls, and allow our true selves to shine brightly over the course of this magical season!
A Simple Crystal Ritual for the Holiday Season
You will need: 3 candles and 3 crystals (these can be any crystals you feel drawn to)
Sit comfortably in a quiet space and put on some soothing music if you feel like it. Close your eyes and breathe in deeply at least three times. Feel your body relaxing and your mind becoming light and free from worries.
Now, take the crystal you feel the most drawn to, and hold it in your hands. Close your eyes. Think back to your childhood and try to remember how you felt during the holiday season. Try to bring back the sights, smells, and sounds of a holiday celebration. Even if the holidays were a sad and lonely time for you, don’t push down any negative feelings. Just connect with your inner child and allow all your feelings to come and go. Stay in this meditative state for as long as you feel like.
Open your eyes, place the three candles in front of you and put a crystal next to each candle. Before you light each candle, take the crystal next to it in your hands and program it with an intention. You can say something like: “Thank you, dear Pearl, for helping me feel blissful and calm during the holidays”, or “Thank you, dear Red Aventurine, for helping me feel energized and enthusiastic during this holiday season”, or “Thank you, dear Bronzite, for grounding me and connecting me with earth’s healing energies.”