The Spiritual Significance of the Solstice June 2018

spiritual meaning solstice

On June 21st the Sun shifts into the sign of Cancer signalling the start of summer in the Northern Hemisphere and the start of winter in the Southern Hemisphere.

Just like we track the cycles of the Moon from New to Full, we can track the cycles of the Sun. The word Solstice translates to “Sun standing still” and is a significant and sacred turning point that will bring a shift in energy.

In the Northern Hemisphere, we have the longest day of the year and the highest expression of the Sun’s energy, but this energy will start slowing moving inwards and the days will get shorter as we head towards the Autumn/Fall Equinox.

In the Southern Hemisphere, we have the shortest day of the year, and the lowest expression of the Sun’s energy. After this, the energy starts becoming more expansive, and the days get longer as we move towards the Spring Equinox.

We are all one, we are all connected, and we all live on the same planet, so to some extent we will all feel these energies in different ways.

Read about the significance for both the Summer and Winter Solstice below and how you can use the energy-

Summer Solstice (Northern Hemisphere)

The Summer Solstice is the highest point of energy for the year. We are bathed in the full power of the Sun and everything is illuminated.

The Sun is where we receive our life force energy, it is where we get our power and sustenance. Without the Sun, there would be no life.

Under the Summer Solstice, we are all going to be given a boost of power and a boost of energy in order to complete our goals and to get to work on creating whatever it is that we desire.

We are going to be guided to illuminate areas of our lives that have been hidden and we are going to be encouraged to step forward for all of the world to see.

Whatever seeds we have planted during the Spring Equinox will now be in full bloom, and we will be able to reap the rewards of our harvest.

This is a powerful time for manifestation work, to give thanks to the Sun, and to recharge our own life force energy.

Doing things that make us feel alive and getting out in nature are all great ways to honor this special time of year.

While the Summer Solstice is a perfect time to celebrate the Sun, the giver of life, there is also a deeper knowing that Autumn is coming, and eventually we, along with Mother Earth will have to shed, release, and let go in order to be reborn.

If we look to nature for guidance, everything is alive and vibrant under the Sun, but soon enough the leaves will start to turn brown and we will enter into a new point in the cycle of life and death.

Life is forever changing, and nothing ever stays the same. While our time under the rays of the warm Sun is beautiful and bright, eventually we will reach a point where we have harvested and expressed ourselves all we can, and the time will come to retreat within.

Winter Solstice (Southern Hemisphere)

The Winter Solstice is the lowest point of energy for the year. It is a time when everything is in a state of stillness and rest. While the trees are bare and there is no movement outwards, there is a lot of energy working behind the scenes.

The Winter Solstice can be referred to as the dark night of the soul. It is a time when darkness reigns, however this is not necessarily a bad thing. We need the darkness in order to acknowledge the light. We need the darkness so we can go within and discover who we really are.

This is a time of dormancy in our outer world, but this is just so we can heal. This is just so we can take the time to rest and recharge our batteries.

Since the Autumn Equinox we have witnessed death. We have witnessed the falling leaves, we have witnessed the animals withdrawing for hibernation. Now it is the time to honor all that has been and all that was, and to heal and let go of any lingering emotions from the past.

This is really a time to sit and be with who you are and where you are. This is a time to bring acceptance and self-love to yourself and to whatever ‘deaths’ may have occurred since this time.

It is only through learning to love and accept yourself that you will feel at peace. By loving yourself, baggage and all, you will learn to set yourself free.

Even though the Winter Solstice brings darkness, it is also important to remember that nothing lasts forever. Moving forward, the days are going to get longer and Spring will soon approach. This period of rest and reflection is only so you can blossom in the months to come.

Just like the seasons, we are always changing and we are always being encouraged to go with the flow of our lives. This is the perfect time to honor all that you are, and to remember that the light will rise once again.

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About the author


Tanaaz is the creator of Forever Conscious. She is an intuitive astrologer and aims to use her writing to heal and inspire. She is also the author of several books including the Power of Positive Energy, Messages for the Soul, and My Pocket Mantras. She also runs online courses and in-person retreats.