Nikki’s Weekly Tarot Reading: August 12-18, 2024

Weekly Reading

The cards pictured are from the Crowley Thoth Tarot Deck.

Emperor and Knight of Disks

This week, we have two cards that speak to our leadership and goals around our future. We want to level up and move to a place that aligns with ourselves. The cards show us how to get there and what to leave behind.

Our first card this week is the Emperor. The card illuminates themes of leadership and strength, personified by its vibrant red and orange colors and confident, fiery energy. 

The Emperor is a unique kind of leader. He does not lead through fear, manipulation, or control. Instead, he leads by example, knowing his actions match his values. He is confident in his abilities and does not flex his ego. Others see his quiet leadership and are drawn to his energy.

He also brings out the best in those around him by encouraging them to be leaders. He always builds others up and never takes anyone down. Through relationship building, he gains respect and loyalty. People follow him because it serves them well and improves their lives.

Under the influence of the Emperor card, we ask ourselves: What qualities do I respect in others? Do I have those qualities in myself? How can I show up like the leaders I admire? How can I step up as the leader I am meant to be?

The Emperor is here to say we should look to ourselves to lead. We are the ones who will usher in a new way of being: a way of equality, kindness, acceptance, and creativity. But don’t be afraid of this power. We must embrace our leadership and step forward.

Consider this your sign if you have felt called to be a leader or want to take on more responsibility and power. Let the Emperor’s energy inspire you, move you out of your comfort zone, and embolden you to take the lead.

Our second card to support us this week is the Knight of Cups. Depicted on the card is a knight reaching toward a glowing chalice in the clouds. His determination is powerful, his energy is focused, and nothing can stop him from his path.

This card speaks to when we become hyperfocused on setting and reaching our goals, which can happen under all the cosmic energy at this moment. The card warns against attaching our worth as a person to our achievements and calls us to think about our goals more holistically.

If we are too narrow in our vision or want things to look perfect, we remove the chance for spontaneity or creativity. If we have tunnel vision, there is less room for the Universe to intervene or for us to notice the bigger world around us.

The Knight of Cups calls us to dream without forgetting to open our eyes to all the possibilities. It’s okay if we veer off the path; letting go of control is good. It wants us to remember that things don’t always look as expected.

This will aid our ability to step into our power because our need for control is usually wrapped up in fear or a lack of trust. We can set our intentions but have faith that our path will unfold in all the ways it should.

Mantra for the week:  When I open my eyes and heart, I see all the possibilities. I step up as the leader I am meant to be.

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About the author

Nikki Fogerty

I have been studying and working with tarot for two decades. Helping people dive deeper into their lives through the cards is my passion. I will support your ability to connect with your own intuitive wisdom and joy.

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