Nikki’s Weekly Tarot Reading: November 6-12, 2023

Weekly Tarot

The cards pictured are from the Crowley Thoth Tarot Deck.

Art and Ace of Disks

This week ends with 11/11, which has the magical energy ability to open us up and connect us with loved ones who have passed. We may also receive messages through our dreams and signs letting us know we are on the right path. It is a potent time for manifestation or practicing gratitude.

Our cards align with these potent vibrations. With a Major Arcana and an Ace, both cards speak at a louder volume. They also point to the creation process, being present, and stepping into our power.

The first card we are working with is Art. This card is about the process of combining and harmonizing forces in our lives. It is about taking smaller pieces and creating something larger through collaboration and creativity.

The Art card features a beautiful figure blending fire and water to create a new and more powerful substance. She is practicing the ancient art of alchemy and is calling us to do the same.

Reflect on your life and ask yourself: How could I amplify my voice by working with another person or entity? What could I grow or deepen through a partnership? How can I combine my various passions into something bigger and bolder?

I was once working with a client who received this card. I shared with her that it pointed to a powerful partnership with an artistic flair that would bring her great success.

She did not give many details about her life during the reading but messaged me a few weeks later to tell me she had quit her job to go full-time with her own vintage clothing business. In this new career, she partners with many other artists and entrepreneurs and has become quite successful.

The Art card had given her the confidence and push needed to take that risk. It’s a card that inspires our own creativity and personal growth.

How does the card’s imagery and process of alchemy inspire you? What do you feel the Art card calling you to do? How can you take steps to embrace your creative energy?

Our second card this week is the Ace of Disks, which speaks to success, opportunity, and prosperity. On a material level, sometimes this card can point to an increase in funds, either from a windfall or a big promotion. On a spiritual level, it can represent a closer relationship with nature and the Universe.

The Ace of Disks points us to deepen our spiritual path, either by unlocking new insights or being connected to a spiritual guide. The phrase ‘the teacher appears when the student is ready’ is tied to this card.

The message of the Ace of Disks is twofold. On one level it is about accomplishments in the material world and embracing opportunities to be successful. And on another level, it is about connecting spiritually to the cycles of our Universe and becoming closer to our planet.

We may notice the seasons changing and spend time outside. We take time to look at the sky and smell the air. We sync our energy with our plants and animals.

Seeing our place in the world will help us be more in tune and allow us to move in alignment with the Earth’s flow. This type of awareness is key to a more harmonious experience of our planet.

When we are connected to the rhythms of our world we can be far more successful. The Earth will give us so many signs and messages if we stop to listen.

Mantra for the week: I embrace creativity and collaboration. I am in flow with the cycles of the Earth.

If you like the weekly readings and want to go deeper, head to to book your personal session with me.

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About the author

Nikki Fogerty

I have been studying and working with tarot for two decades. Helping people dive deeper into their lives through the cards is my passion. I will support your ability to connect with your own intuitive wisdom and joy.

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