The Lunar Nodes are mathematical points drawn between the Sun and Moon and are linked to the Eclipse cycles. There is a North Node and South Node, which are always directly opposite each other, creating a powerful axis that becomes highly charged, especially during Eclipse season.
While the Lunar Nodes sound quite technical, they are actually one of the most magical and esoteric components of astrology. The Lunar Nodes can give us whispers of what we did in a past life, what our purpose is in this incarnation, and what lessons we have come to master on a soul level.
On a collective level, the positioning of the Lunar Nodes indicates our evolution as a society and what themes and lessons we are destined to work with.
Since July 2023, the Lunar Axis has been through Aries and Libra, with the North Node falling in Aries and the South Node falling in Libra, but on January 11, 2025, the Lunar Axis shifted into Pisces and Virgo, with the North Node in Pisces and the South Node in Virgo.
On each Eclipse in these respective signs, the Universe will reveal more of the lessons, gifts, and work the Lunar Nodes have in store for us. Let’s dive a little deeper now and unpack what each of these Nodal placements means-
The North Node in Pisces January 2025-April 2026
The North Node becomes our guiding star and the direction in which we are destined to head in as a collective. With the North Node in Pisces, we are encouraged to embody more Piscean qualities. We are supported to enhance our creativity, to move with compassion, and to remember the bigger picture. Piscean energy is very spiritual, and encourages us to step outside the realms of the physical dimensions and into more abstract ones.
As the last sign of the zodiac, Piscean energy holds the vibration of endings, so this Nodal placement indicates something of a karmic nature coming to an end. We may find as we move through the next 18 months, that something comes to a close or culmination point.
Pisces also rules over religion, so under this placement, we could see more religious views interweaving their way into society. We may see the dark side of religion too, with more fanatical religious beliefs creating tensions and strife.
As Piscean energy is “out of this world,” there could be a tendency towards escapism, drug use, or being out of touch with reality. We may find it hard to discern fact from fiction or to commit to ideas, projects, or even a schedule!
With the North Node in Pisces, we are invited to develop and strengthen our spiritual muscles and to remember that there is so much more than just our five senses. When used in a positive way, the Pisces North Node energy can help us to think more creatively and to step into a realm of abundance and possibilities.
On a societal level, it seems our focus needs to move towards compassion and getting out of rigid structures of belief. We need to remain more open-minded, tolerant, and accepting. We need to understand that our truth is not necessarily someone elses and to open our hearts and minds to bigger and more expansive possibilities.
The South Node in Virgo January 2025-April 2026
The South Node falling in Virgo shows us what we are building upon and where our strengths lie. The South Node generally represents what we have already mastered and what we need to move away from in order to keep progressing.
Virgo, like Pisces, is a very healing and compassionate sign, but Virgo energy is far more practical and based in the material. Virgo likes to be organized, methodical, and takes a down to earth approach. Piscean energy does not follow such rigid ideas and wants more freedom and flexibility.
Virgo energy needs plans, whereas Piscean energy would find it difficult and limiting to commit to any plans at all!
We are building off our earthy, grounded, and practical sides to move into a more free-flowing and less rigid place. We are encouraged to keep our feet on the ground but our heads in the clouds!
Bringing this balance will allow our spiritual gifts to grow and will also allow us to remain rooted to a feeling of safety and security. While we need to push our comfort zone a little and extend into more creative and liminal spaces, we can always come back to the Virgo strength we have cultivated within.
Our Virgo strength is knowing our true power and that we always have the answers we need within. Our Virgo strength is knowing that there is no obstacle too difficult for us to master, as the wisdom, gifts, and knowledge needed to move through it are always on offer.
Predictions for the Pisces-Virgo Nodal Placement
The last time the North Node fell in Pisces and the South Node fell in Virgo was from June 2006- December 2007. You can look back to this time period in your life to see if there were any major themes that were prevalent. It’s not that the same thing will happen again, but similar themes may be experienced.
Here are a few predictions/manifestations for what we may see as the Lunar Nodes Pisces and Virgo:
- Deeper spiritual understanding
- A focus on religion / religious issues
- Creative innovations
- Changes to the entertainment/music industry
- Endings
- Greater compassion
- A more holistic viewpoint
- Supernatural phenomena
- Push towards alternative healing modalities
- Greater emotional sensitivity
- Difficulty decerning fact from fiction (proliferation of misinformation)
- Confusion when it comes to what to believe
- Focus on mental health issues
- Difficulty committing
- Feeling directionless
The Pisces-Virgo Eclipses
On each Eclipse, the Lunar Nodes will be activated, unraveling more of their energy, lessons, and gifts. At the time of writing this, we have already experienced one Eclipse in this series – a Pisces Eclipse on September 18, 2024. You can think back to themes that were unfolding around this Eclipse for clues on what this Nodal placement may be activating in your life.
Here are the dates for all of the Pisces-Virgo Eclipses:
- Pisces Lunar Eclipse: September 18, 2024
- Virgo Lunar Eclipse: March 13, 2025
- Pisces Lunar Eclipse: September 7, 2025
- Virgo Solar Eclipse: September 21, 2025
- Virgo Lunar Eclipse: March 3, 2026
- Pisces Lunar Eclipse: August 28, 2026
- Virgo Lunar Eclipse: February 20, 2027
If you are interested in tracking this journey, keep a journal of any significant events that happen around these Eclipse dates. Once the full cycle is complete, you may just see how this Nodal placement has influenced, shaped, and inspired you!
It is also interesting to note that most of the Eclipses in this Pisces-Virgo cycle are Lunar Eclipses, further supporting the theme of culminations and endings.
What does it mean if Your North Node is in Pisces and your South Node is in Virgo?
This means you are having your Lunar Nodal Return! This is likely to be a very karmic time for you and one where you can really harness your destiny and calling. We experience our Nodal return every 18 years, so if you are turning a multiple of 18 between 2025-2026, you are likely having your nodal return!
What Does it Mean if your North Node is in Virgo and your South Node is in Pisces?
If your Lunar Nodal Axis is pointing in the opposite direction, you are halfway through your karmic cycle! You are at a pivotal turning point and may experience an upswing in a different direction. If you have been laying the groundwork for something, you may now find yourself able to move in a new and more forward-moving direction.