This article is written by Sarupa Shah, a spiritual business mentor, channel for Spirit, and the creator of the Abundance Oracle Cards. Discover more here or find her on Instagram.
The build-up to the Cancer New Moon hasn’t been comfortable for me. Maybe because my moon is in Cancer and after losing my Dad in August last year, a shock departure, his last words to me were – who will look after mum?
I know behind this discomfort is an attachment to a smallness I have held, and in exploring and moving beyond it, it will lead to a significant soul lesson.
The characters in my story aren’t significant. They are just characters offered as gifts by the Universe for me to move beyond something.
The opportunity for discomfort makes that possible, and when you move through it and beyond it, that’s where abundance and the light waits to meet your earthly self.
If all we see is everything at a personality level, how can we move into living soulfully?
This month, Cancer’s second New Moon will be a super watery affair and will trigger emotions.
But, we must remember: Emotions show us how we feel but they are not in alignment. They are not abundant as they either inflate us, deflate us or detach us, and always, when in charge, keep us away from the bigger picture – the divine plan of which each of us equally has a role.
In that equality of being, what we feel doesn’t control us but helps us move through the energy.
To connect to our true abundance, the universal kind, we must come into alignment with our soul and allow ourselves to be led by our soul.
This lunar month will challenge us and make us doubt we can face our true north. North being where our destiny lies and where our spiritual work, both the service and growth begins. It is a choice to make consciously, to step forward.
This year, most of us have been consumed with the virus and now the impending financial reset, which is unknown, though the agreement is it will be wide and deep.
But during lockdown, one of the most wonderful phenomena the world over has been that nature has thrived.
We too are that same nature, so the same invitation and possibility to reduce our own inner pollution created by what we think and feel, and to thrive is there for each of us. Are you willing to accept it?
This isn’t a time to feel the burden of responsibility for what has been unfolding but to accept responsibility and to step forward in light.
What gifts do the Abundance Oracle cards give us this month? I don’t think I could be more in awe of the cards this month. They are all about you and your north; your spiritual journey.
No. 34 Being Abundance. Element Aether

This week I have been drafting an article over on my blog: The Anatomy of Dreaming, and been pondering how easily the focus becomes the here and now, and trying not to crash or fall. It isn’t always a conscious choice, it just creeps in and dreaming is forgotten.
This card reminds you to make that time to dream. 10 minutes, set a regular, at least weekly time in your schedule and dream with wild abandon.
Dreaming is how your higher self manifests. It is how divine energy is anchored. Visualizing is knowing and in alignment with your soul and intuition.
Both are relevant and dreaming is something to nurture and work with just as much as visualization, as both lead you to the abundance of limitlessness and possibility.
24. Claiming Abundance. Element Aether

The meditation on this card was one of my first ever money meditations. All those years ago I still remember being excited and very nervous about meditating and bringing money in.
Money and spirituality were less of a thing and even today the doubts and stories about money, the concerns about whether it is right to want and need money, or is it better to say you don’t care about money, remain as strong.
Money, as I have shared before, is the energy of love manifest into matter. It is neither good nor bad; it is. When we aren’t thriving, we don’t connect to abundance.
Thriving isn’t a fixed amount of money as it is more than money, however money is one of the greatest excuses people have to never be all that they came to be.
I don’t have the money, I can’t afford it – real as they sound – also deny the abundance your soul could manifest. They are like bolts on the door to abundance.
When the door to abundance is locked your emotional body distracts you with the burden of responsibility as a way of keeping you busy. Busy helping everyone else and giving without receiving; I don’t need, I give being the unspoken mantra.
The meditation on this card is to reverse the trend and get you back into alignment. Giving without receiving, and this isn’t about being paid by others or acknowledged by others, this is about receiving from yourself and allowing your soul, higher self, and the Universe to give to you.
41. Expansion

When I started this month’s article, I was being shown how this energy is very much like a bridge.
We have come here because of where we have been and now this month provides the bridge for where we will go for the rest of 2020 and beyond. There is an opportunity to step into the light, if you hold your nerve as the card says.
Often people on the spiritual path will take a wobble or disappointment or even the slowness of manifesting or attracting as a sign this isn’t working. The misinterpretation of energy and signs occurs when the personality rules over the soul.
This card’s wisdom is clear, hold your nerve and do the work as this lunar month, everything that reminds you that it’s too late, isn’t fact. It is just asking you to move north and to do the work that aligns you to what you are – and to let go of who you are not.
It takes nerve, which is courage. Spiritual leaders aren’t born. They step forward. Will you?
This month in support of your journey north, I would love to gift you a 5-day Money Healing Journaling challenge, which is also a powerful taster for my self-study 40 Day Money Healing journaling adventure. I think you will love it and benefit, so pop over and start your 5-day Money Healing Journaling challenge here.