The New Moon of January 20th sits in the air sign of Aquarius and is also a Super Moon, which means that its effects are much more potent.
Super Moons are rare and happen when the Moon appears closer to the Earth due to the fact that it is in direct alignment with the Earth and Sun.
This alignment is believed to bring about great change and ultimately signifies the beginning of a new pathway or journey in life.
It seems quite fitting that this new Moon would fall at the start of a new year because its energy will bring an opportunity to close one door and open another.
New Moons are all about beginnings and are the perfect time to lay down a new foundation or start a new chapter in your life. Because it sits in the sign of Aquarius, whatever is presented to you during this new Moon may have a certain element of “risk taking” involved.
Sometimes life forces us to take risks in order to move out of our comfort zone and into new territory. Aquarius energy is all about taking risks and conquering fears in order to make a positive change, so you may find that you are being pushed to identify the things or beliefs in your life that have been holding you back.
When we are faced with a decision, often we get caught up on what is the “right” thing to do, and what is the “wrong” thing to do. This always creates an unnecessary pressure and stress and can often fuel our fears.
In reality, there is no wrong or right decision, there is just YOUR decision and whatever path you choose will be the perfect one for you because that was the path that YOU chose.
“To the soul, all experiences provide us with lessons and all choices lead us eventually to wholeness”– Chad Woodward
Along with the energy letting go of our fears, this new Moon is also asking us to break free from our past and be mindful over what intentions we choose to set for the year ahead.
This energy may be felt more on January 21st as Mercury begins it’s first retrograde cycle. During this time, the Universe will be calling on us to reflect and work on clearing out the old before we can fully step into the new.
Think of it like this- the new Moon is asking us to set our goals, to challenge ourselves and to push past our fears, but then the energy of Mercury retrograde is asking us to stop for a moment and begin clearing out the old and unwanted to ensure that we set off on this new path without any baggage.
Whatever events this super new Moon brings up for you, trust and know that they are in your highest interest. Make the commitment to yourself to set the intention of moving forward, but also be willing to do the clearing work to make your dreams a reality.
Mercury Retrograde ends on February 11th which will be the perfect time to take that first step (baggage free) on the new chapter in your life.