Aries Full Moon Ritual October 2021

aries full moon ritual october 2021

The Aries Full Moon on October 20, 2021, brings an intense wave of energy. It activates a configuration known as T-Square which may stir tension but also inspire us to take affirmative action on something that is no longer working in our lives.

We may feel our emotions heightened or find ourselves coming face to face with some fears that we are finally ready to overcome.

With all of this energy brewing, this ritual is designed to reconnect you with the intention and desire of your heart.

By connecting with your heart, you can make clearer decisions and be sure you are following your true heart’s calling, no matter what is unfolding around you.

Aries Full Moon Ritual for Connecting with your Heart’s Desire

You will need:

  • Aura cleansing tool of choice (herb sticks, incense, oils, wands, etc.)
  • 4 Candles
  • Bowl of salt water
  • Pen and paper
  • Aries Full Moon Reading


This ritual is best done between October 17-29, 2021

1.) Use your cleansing tool of choice to clear your aura and then your surroundings. If you like, as you cleanse your aura feel free to recite the following – 

“I lift away all that is heavy and all that is no longer mine to carry. I infuse my being with the power of love. I am cleansed. I am whole. I am in complete alignment with my soul. I am cleansed. I am whole. I am in complete alignment with my soul.”

As you cleanse your surroundings, feel free to recite- 

“I cleanse from this space all that is heavy, dark, and no longer needed. The energy of my space is aligned, clear, and free to flow. Only light now fills my home. Only peace now fills my home. My home is a sanctuary of love and light. The energy of my space is aligned, clear, and free to flow.”

2.) After cleansing, set up your ritual as follows-

  • Light the candles and place them in a square shape on the floor or on a table
  • Take your bowl of salt water and place it in the center of the square of candles
  • Have your paper and pen to the side

3.) Get nice and comfortable, and then gently begin rubbing your heart center area in a circular motion to your left (so in a clockwise direction if you imagine a clock face up on your chest) to start activating the energy. Repeat the circles for about 1-2 minutes or 100 times if you can! You should begin feeling a gentle hum or buzz of energy, but it’s ok if you don’t. 

4.) Next, place your hands into prayer position and rest them against your heart center. Close your eyes and take 10-20 deep breaths. As you breathe, imagine your heart center opening up. You can imagine it as a flower bud opening, or as a ball of white or pink light that gradually gets bigger and bigger.

Note: if you are not the best visualizer, you can also silently repeat to yourself- “I am now opening my heart center to release and unlock my true desires.”

5.) Once you are nice and relaxed (it may take more than 10-20 breaths), gently and quietly ask your heart to show you or tell you its desire. Ask your heart what it needs from you. You may see it as written words or a vision, you may hear it being spoken to you, or you may just get a feeling or “knowing”. Trust whatever feelings or messages arrive and try not to judge. Keep it simple.

6.) Take your pen and paper and begin writing down whatever messages are unfolding so you can remember them later. Feel free to write as much or as little as you like.

7.) Once you are done journaling, using your finger, begin swirling the bowl of salt water in any direction, while you repeat the following (or feel free to say what you want in the moment)- 

“I release wash away the fears of yesterday and release myself from the obstacles holding me back. I forgive and let go of the past and know that I no longer need to carry it with me. I wash away my fears and replace them with the wisdom of my heart’s desire. My heart’s desire of (insert heart’s desire here) now flows through me and leads me at every turn. Nothing is impossible as long as I am following my heart’s desire.”

9.) Take your bowl of salt water to the sink and gently pour it over each of your hands, like you are washing them.

10.) Dry your hands and then do your Aries Full Moon reading, which will guide you to select a crystal and receive an intuitive message.

11.) lose the ritual by snuffing out your candles. You can keep your journal writing in a safe place to remind yourself of your heart’s desire, or you can choose to burn it using the flames of your four candles. (If you choose this step, be safe and have a separate bowl of water nearby that you can use to throw your papers in once they get too hot.) 

Happy Aries Full Moon!

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About the author


Tanaaz is the creator of Forever Conscious. She is an intuitive astrologer and aims to use her writing to heal and inspire. She is also the author of several books including the Power of Positive Energy, Messages for the Soul, and My Pocket Mantras. She also runs online courses and in-person retreats.