Aries New Moon Ritual March 2020

aries new moon ritual

The Aries New Moon is a time for new beginnings and is one of the most powerful for setting intentions for the year ahead.

In 2020, the Aries New Moon falls on March 24th, and also carries a healing quality thanks to the asteroid Chiron, which is very active at this time.

Chiron is known as the wounded healer, and has the gift of being able to turn its wounds into powerful portals of healing, wisdom, and strength.

The 2020 Aries New Moon is also spiritually charged, making it easier to connect with the Divine within and the Divine around us.

Here is a ritual you can use to guide you- 

For best results, do this ritual anytime between March 22- April 2, 2020

Aries New Moon Ritual for 2020

You will need:

  • 3 crystals of your choosing (or substitute with another sacred object of your choosing)
  • 3 flowers or 3 leaves (just use what you can find)
  • Bowl of water
  • White light meditation 
  • Journal and pen (optional)


1.) Have all your ritual ingredients close by, including your meditation track ready to go. Lay down on the floor and intuitively choose where on your body you would like to place your crystals. Just use your intuition to guide you. 

2.) Listen to the White Light Meditation track I created (it’s free!) while you lay there with the crystals on you.

3.) Once done, remove the crystals. Observe how your crystals feel, are they oddly hot or cold? Do they feel charged?

Tip: hot crystals indicate they helped to release something, cold crystals indicate they helped you to receive something.

4.) Take your crystals and place them in a triangle configuration. Put your bowl of water in the middle of the triangle.

5.) Now, take one of your flowers/leaves and gently cup it in both hands. Think of an intention you would like to make for the year ahead and whisper it into the flower/leaf and then place it in the bowl of water. Repeat this with all 3 flowers/leaves.

6.) Now, facing your bowl of water and crystals, repeat the following or feel free to say what you feel in the moment – 

“Under the Aries Sun, under the Aries Moon, I welcome the new beginning that is waiting to bloom. I call my guides and angels of highest light to guide me on this night. I ask to remain open to the next steps on my path. I ask to remain open to all signs leading me out of the dark. I know I am strong, I know I will always find a way.  I am aligned- body, mind, heart, and soul. I am One. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”

7.) If you like, you can free-flow journal for 20-30 minutes. If you need some inspiration, feel free to use some of the prompts below-

  • I would like to create…
  • The next chapter of my life will be…
  • I can shift my life to a higher vibration by…

8.) Leave your bowl of water charging overnight. In the morning, you can discard the water and flowers and leaves outside. Keep your crystals closeby until the next Moon cycle.

Happy New Moon!

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About the author


Tanaaz is the creator of Forever Conscious. She is an intuitive astrologer and aims to use her writing to heal and inspire. She is also the author of several books including the Power of Positive Energy, Messages for the Soul, and My Pocket Mantras. She also runs online courses and in-person retreats.