The Aries Solar Eclipse on March 29, 2025, represents a graduation point as it brings the last Eclipse in a cycle we have been working with since April 2023. The ritual you will find below is from the first Eclipse in that cycle and represents a full circle moment.
In this ritual, you will be guided to cleanse your energy field, which will help you to receive the supercharging energies of this Eclipse. It will also guide you to set some intentions, allowing you to make full use of the fresh energies on offer.
If you want to learn more about the astrology behind this Eclipse, check out your Aries Solar Eclipse forecast here.
I hope you enjoy the ritual, and If you did this ritual back in April 2023, I hope you are able to celebrate and feel this full circle moment.
Aries Solar Eclipse March 2025
You will need:
- Aura cleansing tool of choice (e.g., smudge sticks, incense, oils, etc.)
- Chakra Reset Guided Meditation
- Pen and paper
- 1 Candle
- 1 Crystal of choice
1.) Have all your ritual ingredients out in front of you. Light your candle and sit before it, gently gazing at the flame. Take five deep breaths in and out to calm yourself and settle your mind. Hold your crystal in your nondominant hand.
2.) On your next five breaths, recite the following mantras. The best way to do it is to read the mantra aloud and then take a deep breath in and out. If you like, you can also place your right hand (with your crystal) over your heart as you do this.
- I prepare myself for the work of this ritual. (breathe in and out)
- I am calm and centered in my body, mind, and soul. (breathe in and out)
- I am ready to open myself to the energies of the Eclipse that are of my highest benefit, knowing I will be protected. (breathe in and out)
- I am ready to welcome the journey my soul has carved out for me. (breathe in and out)
- I am peace, I am calm, I am love. (breathe in and out)
3.) Get nice and comfortable and begin your Chakra Reset meditation. Have your crystal in your hand or on your body as you do this.
4.) Once the meditation is complete, take your pen and paper, and at the top of the page, write down – “10 things I wish for my life right now”. Begin making your list, thinking of the ten things you want in your life. You can be as detailed as you like.
5.) Look back over your list and just observe any thoughts or feelings that have come up for you. Is there a theme running through what you have wished for? Are there actions you can take today to help your wishes come true?
6.) Once done, take your piece of paper and fold it up. Holding it in both hands, recite the following or feel free to recite whatever you feel in the moment-
“Dear Universe, receive my wishes and help me to make them come true. Guide me to the best and most appropriate actions so I may receive the wishes that are in my best and highest interest. Mold my wishes so they bring me to my soul path. Allow them to bring only joy, prosperity, and happiness to all. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”
Take your folded paper and place it under your crystal, if using.
7.) Now, take your cleansing tool of choice, and while you are going to cleanse, you are also going to seal in the work you have done and activate your energy for the days to come.
8.) Take your cleansing tool, and starting at the top of your head, begin working down your body.
As you cleanse the top of your body, recite the following-
“I seal in the good thoughts. I seal in the peace and calm that floods me now.”
As you cleanse the midsection of your body, recite the following-
“I seal in the love and creativity that is around me now. I activate my feelings of purpose.”
As you cleanse the lower part of your body and feet, recite the following-
“I am cleansed, all dense energy has now left my body. I am aligned. I am restored. I am energized.”
Now, cleanse your surroundings as well. This time, don’t recite any affirmations or mantras; instead, just focus on allowing the cleansing tool to do its job. Feel into the energy and just allow yourself to be part of the process.
9.) To close out the Solar Eclipse Ritual, snuff out your candle and place your paper and crystal by your bedside or on your altar for the next three days. After three days, you can look over your wishes again or put them away for reflection at a later time.
Solar Eclipse Blessings to you!