Capricorn Full Moon Ritual July 2024

capricorn full moon ritual 2024

The Capricorn Full Moon on July 21, 2024, is guiding us to complete a story. Something from our past that has been weighing heavy on our shoulders is up for release, and while this is very welcomed, there is a journey that we must move through. This journey can feel challenging and confronting at times, but this ritual and the energies of the Full Moon are here to guide you.

If you want to get your full astrology forecast for the Full Moon, check your forecast here. I hope you enjoy this ritual!

Capricorn Full Moon Ritual for Releasing All that is Heavy

You will need:


1.) Start by cleansing your aura using your chosen cleansing tool. If you wish, as you cleanse, recite the following:

“I call upon Mother Moon and the Divine Creator of all things to lift all that is heavy, to purge all that no longer serves, to release me from energies that are not mine to carry. I ask for restoration, peace, balance, and love to flow inside and all around me. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”

Now, using your same cleansing tool, cleanse your surroundings and ritual ingredients. As you do this, feel free to recite the following three times:

“I cleanse my space and these ingredients. I create safety, love, and harmony where I stand.”

2.) Light your candle and place it in the bowl of water if you can. Otherwise, you can just leave it next to it.

3.) Next, take one of your pieces of string and holding it in both hands, think of something that is heavy and weighing on you. Really get out all your thoughts and feelings about what is weighing on you. Speak it out loud into the string. Then, when you are ready to let it go, cut the string. You can cut it once or into little pieces- just do what you feel in the moment. Then place the string pieces into the bowl of water.

Repeat this process for all 5 pieces of string. You can do more or less pieces of string if you wish.

4.) Now that all your string is in the bowl of water, very gently take your finger and begin swirling the water around in a clockwise motion. As you do this, recite the following or say what you feel in the moment:

“I cut the cords that bind me and keep me stuck. I release all that is heavy, deep down in the muck. I free myself from pain and suffering, I allow myself to shine. I am releasing all that is no longer mine. I am radiant and free from all that has bound me. I am letting go, I am releasing, and so it is.”

5.) Leave your strings sitting in the water with the candle burning. Now, get nice and comfortable and do the heart drumming meditation.

6.) After your meditation, do the Capricorn Full Moon reading for July. Reflect on the messages that have come up for you.

7.) When ready, snuff out the candle and discard the strings and water. Your ritual is complete!

Full Moon Blessings!

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About the author


Tanaaz is the creator of Forever Conscious. She is an intuitive astrologer and aims to use her writing to heal and inspire. She is also the author of several books including the Power of Positive Energy, Messages for the Soul, and My Pocket Mantras. She also runs online courses and in-person retreats.