The December 25-26th New Moon Solar Eclipse in Capricorn opens a portal to a new pathway. This new pathway may be different for each of us, but we are all going to feel awakened, elevated, and transformed in some way.
The high vibrational energy of this Eclipse will also guide us to transcend family karmic patterns and will help to awaken our inner-child.
No matter what comes our way, this Eclipse will also light the way for the new energies that 2020 brings, and is the perfect time to think about what goals, plans, and intentions we wish to set for the new year.
In this ritual, you are going to be guided to create an abstract vision board.
An abstract vision board allows you to set your goals and make your wishes without attachment and limitations, and leaves room for the Universe to weave its magic and to send you what is best for your highest soul growth and development.
This ritual can be done anytime, but to maximize the Eclipse energies, I recommend starting this ritual between December 22, 2019-January 5, 2020.
Capricorn Solar Eclipse Ritual 2019
You will need:
- Smudging Tool of choice
- Thick cardboard or canvas
- Paints, colored pencils, markers, things to decorate, etc.
- Regular paper and a pen
- December Guided Meditation
1.) Start by smudging your aura and then your surroundings. As you smudge your aura, feel free to recite the following-
“As 2019 comes to a close, I honor all that comes and all that goes. I honor the lessons, the struggles, and the victories. I honor the pain and the things that still remain a mystery. I honor my journey and who I have become. I am proud of myself for the work I have done. And now the time comes, to cleanse and release myself of all I no longer need. What is too heavy may now fall away, so I may be open to receive the abundant, expansive, harmonious energies that the Universe sends my way. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”
Cleanse your surroundings and ritual ingredients. If you like, feel free to recite the following 9 times-
“I am light, I am love. I stand in my power. I stand in my truth. And this is what truly cleanses me, my space, and all that surrounds.”
2.) To get in the right headspace, start with the Guided Meditation for December. You are also welcome to meditate on your own for 10 minutes.
3.) Take your regular sheet of paper and pen and write down 10 goals, wishes, or intentions you would like to bring into your life.
4.) Now, with your goals in front of you, take your canvas or cardboard and the items you are going to use to decorate it.
Look at the first goal you have written on your list and then draw, paint, doodle, or create a symbol that represents the feelings or emotions that goal conjures up for you. You can be as abstract as you like. You may paint a blob, draw a squiggle, write a word, or just put pen to paper and see what flows.
Repeat this for all 10 goals on your list, just allowing your imagination, creativity, and intuition to come up with an abstract expression for each goal.
Don’t feel like you need to keep your symbols or doodles separate, feel free to blend them together to create a whole picture- there is no wrong way to do this!
5.) When you are done, tape your list of 10 goals to the back of your canvas or cardboard.
6.) Place your vision board somewhere you can look at it every day. Then come December 2020, turn your board around to see what goals came into your reality.
Happy vision-boarding and Happy Eclipse!
Read More:
Intuitive Astrology: December Solar Eclipse 2019