Channeled Cosmic Insights for the End of 2020

cosmic insights 2020

2020 was always destined to be an ultra transformative year.

While no one could have predicted exactly what was going to unfold, many of the cosmic alignments taking place this year have been linked to – mass disease, government control, unrest, and power struggles, but also major change and a shift to focusing on the collective rather than the individual. 

This message was also conveyed in the numerology code of this year too – “infinite potential when we work together.”

The major cosmic event that kickstarted this deep dive into the transformative year of 2020 was the Saturn Pluto conjunction, which occurred on January 12, 2020. 

Since this time, we have been catapulted down a path of transformation and, while we are still in the thick of it, and will be for some time, 2020 is the defining year.

2020 is the year that shapes what the next chapter is going to look and feel like for us all. 

Along with the Saturn Pluto conjunction, 2020 has also brought us several retrogrades, including Mars Retrograde, which unfolds from September to November.

It’s likely that during this time, we could see a repeat as to what was happening earlier in the year, or we may find that more information is revealed to us.

While September to November seems heavily focused on revisiting the past and ironing out what has already been presented to us, December brings some fresh energy and another major cosmic alignment. This time it is the Jupiter Saturn conjunction, which falls on the Solstice.

The Jupiter Saturn conjunction happens every few decades and is known as the Grand Conjunction. It is special and indicates the start of a new era.

This is hopefully, where we will start to see the results of all the transformative work we have been working through.

If the start of 2020 was like the dark night of the soul, the end of the year will feel like the first crack of light. 

Let’s now take a look into what we can expect for the remainder of 2020:

Channeled Messages for September- December 2020

Things Had to End

It’s the end of the world as we know it. But don’t let that scare you. So much needed to change, so much needed to be uprooted and replanted. So much needed to go. 

Think about what has ended for you, not just in 2020 but in the years that led up to it too. Everything has been preparing the planet and you for this moment.

While this won’t always justify the pain that any of these endings have caused, we have to remember that there is so much more to this world than we can see.

Think of these endings as an upgrade or shift to the computer game we have all been playing. This is like a major software update and old things needed to released for the journey to continue.

The Balance of Power needs to Shift

The people of this planet, in order to keep growing and awakening, need a change in the dynamics of power that are currently presiding over the planet. 

This is not unique to just one country, but to the planet as a whole. While this power shift has been in operation for some time, 2020 is the first year that we are starting to see clearer results of what is unfolding.

These power shifts will continue over the coming decade, and by the end, we will see a new distribution of power, one that is more community-focused.

By the end of the decade, we could also see the end to countries being primarily led by just one individual, in exchange for a more collective approach.

We are in it for the long haul, but what you see today is not what you will see tomorrow. Events will come and go, come and go. Solutions will be found, new problems will unfold, life will keep moving. Nothing stays the same for long. 

Navigating the Months Ahead


The key for September is PATIENCE. 

We are going to have to be patient with our words and with our actions. We are going to have to be patient with those around us and the world at large. 

This month may stir restlessness and anger. It is our job to learn how to process this anger and restlessness. Sometimes, this requires us to really learn how to be comfortable with the emotions that come up, and to sit with them rather than to push them to the side.

When we sit with our anger, it allows us to reach into the messages that it offers us. Usually, these messages are buried beneath the overwhelm of emotion.

This month, paying particular attention to your energy levels is going to be important. We need to be good with exercise, creating a routine, learning how to say no, setting boundaries, and watching what we are choosing to give our energy to.

Your energy is precious, treat it that way. 


The key for October is RELEASE. 

October starts and ends with a Full Moon. Full Moons are always times of release, so having two of them in one month indicates a time where we are really being encouraged to let go and release. 

We may have to give up something- not just on a personal level but a collective level too.

When something is released, our natural instinct is to grab for something to fill the space, but we are going to have to give things time, and embrace a slower paced energy in the cosmic world. 

Having this “void” may create feelings of lethargy, indecisiveness, or confusion. We may have to go within before we know how to proceed on an external level. 

Again, we are being called here to be patient and to trust the divine timing of our lives.

While October brings reflective energy, it also offers a chance for us to process all the changes our mind, body, and soul have experienced this year so far.

2020 has been overwhelming for many, and this month the Universe puts a hand on your shoulder and says-

Let it all out. Get it all out. Allow yourself to purge the shifts and changes you have experienced. You don’t need to be strong anymore, it is ok to be vulnerable. It is ok to lose your way, for you will find a new one. 


The key for November is TRUST.

This month you are called to trust in yourself, the Universe, and the goodness of the people in the world. 

Find the goodness in your life and in those around you. Focus on gratitude and all you feel grateful for.

Keep your vision rooted in what you wish to see, not what you fear will happen.

Keep your energy focused towards the light, and know that no matter what is happening around you- the power lies within you, not outside of you.

We may see heightened tensions in the world right now, and whatever has been stifled or pushed down may erupt to the surface.

We may notice big shifts and transformations in our own lives and in the attitudes of the world around us, especially with Eclipse season beginning.

While these Eclipses are powerful, they are milder than the ones we experienced earlier in the year. They will be unlocking new pathways for us and helping us to upgrade and shift our reality.

By holding the light, we can jump to a brighter and more fuller timeline on a personal level. Keep your vibration lifted if you can. Keep your heart rooted in love for all. Practice forgiveness, and see how you can be a support to those around you. 

This is a time to also focus on being of service to your community and fellow humans- how can you help instead of judge? 

This month, unity will be our guide.


The end of the year is here and people will be celebrating the close of 2020.

It may be easy to look back on this year and all the terrible things that have unfolded, but what about the positive things too?

Keep your mind focused on the gifts that 2020 brought you- you may have to dig to find them, but they definitely do exist! 

How many more sunsets and starry night skies did you get to see this year? The quieter and slower pace of 2020 allowed all of us to change our relationship with the planet, whether we realize it or not. 

Mother Earth’s voice will continue to get louder, especially in 2021.

While the first part of December carries some residual intensity it also brings a Solar Eclipse.

Solar Eclipses signify the dawning of a new beginning. A new chapter is here, and this will bring a feeling of excitement and hope. 

The Grand conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn then occurs a few days later on the Solstice, adding to the new energies that are pushing their way through.

While these new energies will take their time to come to the surface, time will move quickly, and we will start feeling more momentum building.

We will feel a little more proactive and in charge of our destiny. We will feel a little more on-course and directed with where we are heading. 

The end of December is a time of celebration and family for so many around the world, but for some, this year may look and feel very different. Release any expectations you may be holding on to and find ways to be flexible and adaptive. 

Use the end of the year to develop a deeper spiritual practice. To spend time in solitude and to focus on connecting with the peace and love that resides within.

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About the author


Tanaaz is the creator of Forever Conscious. She is an intuitive astrologer and aims to use her writing to heal and inspire. She is also the author of several books including the Power of Positive Energy, Messages for the Soul, and My Pocket Mantras. She also runs online courses and in-person retreats.