Creating Heaven on Earth

heaven on earth

When my sister was diagnosed with cancer my first thought was- think positive. But buried deep within I had so much fear. The fear was so strong I could taste it, I couldn’t even hide it.

Even though I would try to encourage my sister and tell her everything was going to be ok, part of me didn’t believe it. There was a part of me that feared the worst. In fact, I felt so guilty about this side of me and wondered why I was feeling so pessimistic.

Then, less than three months after being diagnosed, she passed away.

I am not sure if my pessimistic feelings were intuitive or my fears, it is too hard to tell. But after her passing, I definitely didn’t feel positive about anything.

I felt the Universe had stabbed me in the back, I felt that life had pushed me off the highest cliff and shattered every part of me into a million pieces.

Earth is hell, you are not loved, the Universe is punishing me- those were the thoughts stirring inside of me.

I felt mad and angry, particularly at God and the Universe and my spirit guides. In fact, I stopped talking to them and told them that they had betrayed me!

I feel almost embarrassed to admit this, after all I did write the book- The Power of Positive Energy! But I think it’s important to mention because I do think it’s healthy. I do think it’s healthy to venture into the darkness from time to time.

I am sure in each of our own ways we have all been there, and we have all had to explore the darkest depths of our own heart, soul and mind.

In fact, I do feel that the deeper we venture into the darkness, the higher we can reach into the light.

Luckily for me, this state of darkness didn’t last for very long. How could I turn my back on that connection to the Divine when it had proven itself to me time and time again and helped me so much?

I started opening myself back up to the spirit world and to the idea that perhaps there was a higher plan to all of this.

I started taking to my guides again, meditating, journalling and doing all of the things that I have known to work over the years. They helped a lot, and allowed me to keep my head above water, but I still couldn’t shake this feeling that perhaps Earth was this kind of hell sprinkled with just enough goodness to stop you from going mad.

Then boy, did the Universe have a plan for me.

A few hours after having this thought I received a message from a friend out of the blue- “Hey, have you read Anita Moorjani’s new book, What if this is Heaven?”

It was really unlike my friend to suggest such a book, and I couldn’t help feel that perhaps it was a sign from the Universe, seeing as I just made that comment about life being hell.

Even though it was a small thing, I have learnt that these little moments of synchronicity should always be followed, so I acknowledged the Universe and ordered the book.

Then a few days later I met with Cherie Aimee. She had a near death experience that changed her life. Her story was so inspiring I wrote about it here.

Even though I had already heard Cherie’s story, I kept asking her about her time in heaven and what it was like.

As we were chatting and talking about the afterlife, Cherie asked me if I would be interested in running a workshop with her. A workshop titled- “How to Create Heaven on Earth”.

My mouth fell open…..A workshop about what???

Ok, Universe I get it!

I needed to get out of this mindset that life was hell and here was my opportunity to dive in and do the work.

Even though this may not seem like a big deal to an outsider, these moments of synchronicity melted my heart and really reminded me that I am indeed loved and supported by the Universe, just like you are!

This is the way the Universe chose to show up for me and prove that it had my back all along.

The Universe showed me that there was something I needed to remember and learn, and it was something I could help other people with also.

Creating Heaven on Earth is going to be run by Cherie and I at theĀ “Wisdom of the Near Death Experience Symposium” in March 23-25, 2018, in Austin Texas.

You can find out more information about the workshop here.

I don’t promise to know everything when it comes to creating heaven on earth, but I have been making this statement my mantra and filling my heart and mind with tools, insights, and the spiritual guidance I have been receiving.

Make no mistake, earth is an extremely challenging dimension and it is hard. But deep down, your soul already knew this before coming here, and deep down your soul was super excited to make this journey and have this challenging adventure.

Think of it like playing a video game. If you always knew the right moves it would be dull and boring. But if you challenge yourself a bit (or a lot) and go through different story lines and experiences, it makes things more interesting, and you get stronger and smarter along the way.

When we are in the thick of it, life may not seem like a game and it definitely may not seem like heaven, but the more we can shift our mindset to this place, and honor that everything is really part of a much bigger picture, the easier it becomes to navigate through life.

Creating heaven on earth is not about creating a life where nothing goes wrong, that’s not what you signed up for. Creating heaven on Earth is a mindset, and in this workshop Cherie and I are going to share how to step out of your own personal hell and into the light.

If you feel like it’s the right move for you, come join the workshop– I look forward to seeing you there!

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About the author


Tanaaz is the creator of Forever Conscious. She is an intuitive astrologer and aims to use her writing to heal and inspire. She is also the author of several books including the Power of Positive Energy, Messages for the Soul, and My Pocket Mantras. She also runs online courses and in-person retreats.