Gemini Full Moon Ritual December 2022

gemini full moon ritual december

The last Full Moon of 2022 peaks on December 7-8 in the sign of Gemini. This Full Moon carries some heated energy around it and may stir past issues that need to be resolved.

It’s the last Full Moon of 2022, and perhaps you are feeling ready to wash the energies of the year away. While all Full Moons are an opportunity to cleanse and release, there is a bit of sticky energy around this Full Moon.

While we may be eager to let go of things that feel heavy, there may be a little more work for us to do. We may be required to sit with our past a little longer before we can release it. Our past may have more messages for us, more gifts, more insights to deliver.

Mars Retrograde, is very active under this Full Moon, heightening this need to slow down and reflect. Heated emotions may come up, encouraging us to look deeper at their roots. There is a lot of inner work we can do under this Full Moon if we have the energy and strength to go there.

To work most effectively with this Full Moon, it will be important to go with the flow, honor all feelings (even the uncomfortable ones), and trust our intuition. While there are opportunities to clear, we may find it better to focus our attention on reflection without judgement.

Here is a ritual to guide you –

Gemini Full Moon Ritual for Reflection

You can do this ritual all through December 2022

You will need:


1.) Begin by clearing your aura using your tool of choice. As you cleanse your aura, recite the following:

“Another year is about to pass, another year complete. I give honor and thanks to myself for how I have grown and for all I have achieved. I honor my journey, my true feelings, and what has come, but I now cleanse away all that feels heavy and all that no longer serves. I am cleansed. I am healed. I am restored. I am cleansed. I am healed. I am restored. Thank you.”

As you cleanse your surroundings, feel free to recite-

“I cleanse the energy of this space to make room for lightness, joy, peace, and prosperity. May all those that walk through here feel protected. May this space be blessed with health, healing, and with love. My space is cleansed. My space is free. Only love and light dwell here. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”

2.) Get comfortable and begin your Chakra Reset Meditation.

3.) Once your mediation is complete, take your pen and paper and write down all the months of the year. Under each month, reflect on what happened, how you felt, what you achieved, and what mistakes you made- just write whatever comes to your mind. Allow your mind to let go and just write from your heart.

4.) After reflecting on the year gone by, observe any thoughts, feelings, or emotions that have arisen. Allow any emotions, particularly any painful ones, to rise to the surface, allow yourself to feel them and breathe through them. When you feel ready, write your own mantra or repeat the one below three times-

“I forgive and let go of the things that I thought I should have done and the things that did not go the way that I expected them to. Mistakes are a sign I am trying new things, which is exactly what I am here to do. I am not always supposed to know the way. Not knowing the way is a sign I am growing and changing, which is exactly what I am here to do. I celebrate myself for all I have achieved and moved through. I trust that whatever has unfolded is for my highest good and the good of the Universe. I forgive myself. I release myself. I love myself.”

5.) Now, make a list of 10 things you did this year that made you a better person or helped you to improve your life. Basically, you want to make a list of at least ten positive things that you learned, changed, or did through the course of the year.

After reflecting on your list, place your hand over your heart and recite the following –

I celebrate myself for the year gone by and all that I have achieved. I am proud of myself for all that I have accomplished and know that I am exactly where I need to be”

6.) Do your Gemini Full Moon Reading, reflect on any messages that have come up for you.

Your ritual is now complete!

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About the author


Tanaaz is the creator of Forever Conscious. She is an intuitive astrologer and aims to use her writing to heal and inspire. She is also the author of several books including the Power of Positive Energy, Messages for the Soul, and My Pocket Mantras. She also runs online courses and in-person retreats.