Gemini Season Horoscopes May-June 2023

gemini season horoscopes may june 2023

Gemini Season runs from May 21st until June 21st. Gemini is represented by the twins. One twin is mortal, the other immortal, representing both body and soul. The mortal twin is our reminder that life is temporary and that we are here for a physical experience, whereas the immortal twin reminds us that our soul is forever and we are spiritual beings by nature.

Gemini is also connected to the element of air and the planet Mercury, so during the Season, energy tends to be concentrated in our minds. Our thoughts can be more powerful but also more consuming. We may find ourselves having brainwaves, moments of clarity, or even ah-ha moments. Just the same, we can find ourselves fixated, overthinking, or being too self-critical.

Gemini is also a very social energy, encouraging us to get out and mix with others, communicate, and share our story. We may even feel guided to put pen to paper or start that podcast.

Some key events for Gemini Season 2023, include the Aldebaran Gateway from May 28-29, the Sagittarius Full Moon on June 3rd, Venus’ move into Leo on June 5-6th, Pluto’s return into Capricorn on June 11th, the Gemini New Moon on June 17th, and Saturn Retrograde on June 17th.

Let’s dive deeper into what this means for you and your zodiac sign with your Gemini Season Horoscopes (you can read for both your Sun and Rising Sign).

Horoscopes for Gemini Season May – June 2023


Shortly after the Sun moves into Gemini, we experience the Aldebaran Gateway, or the Silver Gate Portal as it is sometimes known. The Silver Gate Portal is a time when our mental energy reigns strong. We can think more clearly, receive downloads, and unlock wisdom with greater ease. If there is a problem you need solved, or something you are looking for answers to, the Silver Gate Portal is a wonderful time to seek those answers. Do some additional research, reach out to others, schedule a consultation with an expert, or simply sit in meditation, trusting your intuition. The Silver Gate Portal will be most active on May 28-29, but will linger for a few days either side of these dates too. With our minds supercharged, we may feel ready to approach June with confidence. The Sagittarius Full Moon on June 3rd holds some abundant, optimistic energies, but could also stir some tension. It feels to be a mixed-bag Full Moon that may get you thinking deeper about something in your life. Whatever comes up, try to take a philosophical approach. See if you can expand your view and the way you are choosing to think about things. Sometimes turning things upside down and looking at things in a new way can help to bring deeper insights. Under this Full Moon, you may also feel the desire to travel. If you have wanted to get away, this Full Moon would be a good time to take action. Choose somewhere you haven’t been before, and watch how it opens and expands your mind! On June 5-6, Venus will enter Leo; this is significant as Venus will retrograde in Leo on July 23rd. Pay attention to any themes relating to love, romance, or money around this time, as this could be a clue as to what Venus Retrograde themes you will be working with later in the year. Venus Retrograde is always a time of heart opening and expansion, and it can often trigger past heart wounds that need to be cleared for our expansion. If you do notice any challenging events arising in early June, know that more clarity and healing will follow. The Gemini New Moon on June 17th, may bring a new project to the table, or you may find that an existing project suddenly gets some new steam behind it. There is a strong motivating force under this New Moon for you, so use it to your advantage. Saturn stations retrograde under this New Moon too. Saturn is currently in a bit of a challenging place in your chart. It may be guiding you to go within or to feel more isolated than usual. You may find yourself needing to take some time out so you can revisit the past and perhaps reflect on your next steps forward. Chances are there will be a lot of behind-the-scenes work unfolding for you.


The Sun has just moved out of your corner of the zodiac, and perhaps you are feeling like you can now digest and integrate all the wisdom and excitement it brought your way! Whenever the Sun is in your sign, you can feel uplifted and supported to be more of your true authentic self, so I hope you were able to feel that in some way. If not, don’t worry, as the Sagittarius Full Moon on June 3rd will be another opportunity to express your true authentic self. There is some light-hearted energy flowing from this Full Moon, but don’t be surprised if it requires you to confront some shadows or perhaps peel back some layers to reveal a deeper truth. This will be a powerful Full Moon for you, so work with this energy, particularly if you want to grow in self-awareness and deepen your spiritual connection. Venus, your ruling planet, will move into Leo on June 5-6. This is significant as Venus will station retrograde on July 23rd in Leo also, spending until October in this corner of the zodiac. As Venus is your ruler, you are always going to be more sensitive to its retrograde motions. While Venus retrograde does not begin until late July, watch what happens around the time it first enters Leo. Whatever unfolds during this time, especially around matters of the heart or with money, could be a clue as to what lessons and gifts Venus Retrograde will bring. The June 17th New Moon coincides with Saturn Retrograde. Saturn entered Pisces earlier this year, so this is the first retrograde we have experienced in this cycle. Saturn Retrograde can require us to go back and repeat some lessons and to make sure we have done our homework. We can feel a little tested, or perhaps we notice that things we thought we had resolved come back up again to the surface. Stay true to yourself and the wisdom you have acquired; you know how to handle whatever comes up, so trust yourself. Saturn is the master teacher, so it wants to make sure you have mastered any lessons before it moves on to the next chapter. With Saturn Retrograde and this New Moon, you may have to be careful about whom you trust or socialize with. Who are you choosing to surround yourself with? The company you keep can have a big impact on your life and feelings of self-worth and motivation, so keep this in mind, especially under the Gemini New Moon.


Happy Birthday, Gemini! It is finally that time of year when you can celebrate your trip around the Sun! I hope you can make your birthday feel special this year. It is important to celebrate yourself and all you have achieved. Think back to where you were this time last year; I am sure you have experienced a lot of growth, development, and positive advancement. If you are feeling a little unsettled with where you have landed, don’t worry, as your birthday season holds some beautiful goodies! On May 28-29, the Sun aligns with the Royal Star, Aldebaran unlocking the Aldebaran Gateway or the Silver Gate Portal. This energy can supercharge your mind, helping you access new limits with your thinking and mental capacity. Challenge yourself when it comes to your knowledge and wisdom. Know you are smarter than you think! If there is something you want to learn, this is a great time to start as learning will come to you easily. Receive this energy into your third eye too, as this energy will activate your innate wisdom and psychic abilities. This is some beautiful energy and you are in one of the best positions in the cosmic skies to receive it. The Silver Gate Portal can also help you to tune into your soul contract, and remind you why you chose to come to Earth at this time. On June 3, under the Sagittarius Full Moon, you may find yourself traveling with a loved one, or perhaps planning a trip somewhere fun with friends. Alternatively, an incredible work opportunity may come up for you, allowing you to travel as part of your assignment. Travel feels to be on the cards, and if the opportunity comes up, you should take it! The trip promises to be inspiring and eye-opening in many ways. This Full Moon may also see the culmination of a project you have been working on. I hope this project has been successful for you, but either way, it looks like it’s time to let it go and move on to new things. New things will be the focus under your New Moon! The Gemini New Moon activates on June 17th, the same day Saturn stations retrograde. This will be a powerful New Moon for new beginnings and setting intentions, but it also carries a bit of heaviness for you. If something is weighing on your shoulders, you may first have to clear it before you can think about the new energies you wish to call in. Saturn Retrograde may also stir things from your past, encouraging you to deal with something once and for all. Just know that the more space you can clear for the stuff you don’t want, the more room you will make for the stuff you do want.


The Sun is getting ready to enter your corner of the zodiac next, so you are likely to feel as if you have reached an endpoint or a turning point. Just before a new chapter of our lives begin, we often feel called to go within. We may find ourselves retreating or going into hermit mode. You may very well feel this as the Sun enters Gemini. Gemini is a very social sign, but you may feel the opposite and want to take some time to just be alone with your own thoughts. On June 11, Pluto will return to Capricorn, the sign that sits opposite you on the wheel of the zodiac. While in Capricorn, Pluto has been transforming your relationships, helping you to make deeper and more meaningful bonds with those around you. With Pluto returning to Capricorn for the remainder of the year, you may notice a shift and a focus return to your relationships. Don’t worry, it seems that the brunt of the work has already been done, but Pluto may just be helping you to clear the cobwebs and push along any changes and transformations that still need to occur. Pluto’s work is often subtle, so this is likely something you will feel more on a subconscious or inner level rather than an external one. The June 3rd Sagittarius Full Moon may trigger a past memory or bring up past pains. You may feel this just before the Full Moon arrives, but don’t worry, once the Full Moon has reached its peak, you should be feeling a lot lighter and ready for some fun! You are very sensitive to the wax and wane of the Moon, so after the Full Moon passes, make it a point to do something just for fun. Allow yourself to be wherever you are, and just accept and enjoy your life and what makes you happy. Following the Full Moon, there is a New Moon in Gemini on June 17th. On the same day, Saturn stations retrograde. This is going to be a bit of a challenging New Moon for you. Once again, you may feel called to go within or to spend time alone. However, this feels to be a very creative space for you. Enjoy your own company and see what inspirations arise. You may feel the desire to write, journal, or draw, and this could be very therapeutic for you. Saturn Retrograde will be in a fantastic position to help you with any career goals or ambitions you may have. If you have wanted to adjust your career or perhaps make a fresh start somewhere else, the combination of creative energy from the New Moon and the hardworking/motivating energy from Saturn is a powerful mix! Use the New Moon energy to set intentions about your career and what you want, and use the energy of Saturn to commit to them! Perhaps even make a step-by-step plan as to how you will bring your intentions to life. June 21st will then bring the Solstice, a power day for the energy grid of our planet and the start of your Season!


Life has been busy for you, and perhaps you have felt like you are running on all cylinders! As we begin Gemini Season, things will continue to stay active for you, but this is your chance to set some boundaries and prioritize what is really important to you. The Sagittarius Full Moon on June 3rd could see you traveling for work or for a project important to you. You may also find yourself connecting with people from another part of the world. Perhaps they want to do a deal with you, or collaborate on a project. There is a lot of supportive energy on your side when it comes to growing your dreams and goals, so use this energy to your advantage! The Sagittarius Full Moon can also stir matters around your health, and this is where setting boundaries is going to be important. At the end of the day, what truly matters to you? It is easy to get swept up in the success and fame, or in the needs of others, but at your core, what is important? That is going to be a powerful question to ask yourself, especially if you notice health matters coming up to the surface. This is also a good opportunity for you to take some time to rest and recharge. Life has been busy, but it’s always worthwhile to unplug, slow down, and make time to stop and smell the roses. On June 5-6, Venus will enter your sign, bringing the energy of pleasure, romance, and play! Venus can also bring abundant energy, helping to increase the flow of offerings that come your way. Venus is going to be an important planet to watch for you, as it will station retrograde on July 23 in your sign. Having Venus in your sign for an extended stay means you are likely to be doing a lot of heart healing and activation work. Pay attention to any matters of the heart that are triggered for you on June 5-6 as Venus first enters Leo, as this may hold a clue as to what the upcoming Venus Retrograde will trigger in you. The Gemini New Moon that follows on June 17th, coincides with Saturn Retrograde. This New Moon may feel challenging for you. It seems that you could be pulled in two different directions. You may feel that your heart wants to go one way and your mind wants to go another. It will be up to you to make the call; just be sure you are being true to yourself first and foremost. Saturn Retrograde may trigger issues relating to your finances, so just be mindful of this. Ensure you are paying attention to any rules and regulations around your investments and read the fine print before agreeing or signing any contracts, especially if money is involved.


Gemini is ruled by Mercury, which also happens to be your ruling planet, so Gemini Season is always going to be a special time for you. Gemini Season kicks off with the Aldebaran Gateway or the Silver Gate Portal. This is activated on May 28-29, and is a time when your third eye can open and strengthen. You are naturally very intuitive, so your instincts will be heightened around this time. The Silver Gate Portal can also sharpen your mind, allowing you to tap into your innate wisdom. This is a very mentally active period for you so be mindful of allowing your mind to run into overdrive. Your mind is one of your sharpest tools, but needs to be used wisely. With a lot of energy concentrated here, especially in the first part of Gemini Season, be selective with the thoughts you are holding onto. If you get too caught up in your head, bring energy back down to your body. Ground your energy and see if you can work from a more heart-centered place. The Sagittarius Full Moon on June 3rd feels much lighter than the Full Moons we have recently experienced. While it carries a bit of tension and perhaps some heaviness, there is also a playful, adventurous undertone to this Full Moon. Whatever comes up, see if you can treat it like a great adventure! This Full Moon may also bring up issues around your home and family life. Whatever is highlighted, just make sure you are being true and authentic to yourself. On June 5-6, Venus enters Leo, where it will stay until October. This extra-long stay in Leo is due to its upcoming retrograde at the end of July. Pay attention to what themes are stirred in early June when it comes to matters of the heart, as these themes may provide a clue as to what Venus in Retrograde will bring. The June 17th Gemini New Moon follows and holds some amazing energy for your career and feelings of purpose. This New Moon may bring new opportunities at work, or you may have a breakthrough when it comes to your purpose and how you wish to spend your time. If you have some career goals, this New Moon is a great time to take action. Saturn also stations retrograde on June 17, and this is triggering issues in your relationships – not just romantic relationships, but how you interact with others in general. You may find yourself needing to set boundaries with others, or to perhaps tear down some boundaries that are keeping you too guarded. Saturn may bring a teacher into your life that helps to shift and change your approach. Saturn is essentially a master teacher, so it is helping you to become better at how you relate with others and with the world around you.


Gemini is a fellow air sign, so you always do well when the Sun is in this part of the zodiac. About a week after the sun enters Gemini, we experience the Aldebaran Gateway or the Silver Gate Portal. This is a time when our mind feels strong, and our intuition is heightened. We can tap into our own inner wisdom with greater ease, and we may also find ourselves learning new things quickly. The Silver Gate Portal energies can be highly creative for you, helping you to think bigger about your life and what you desire for yourself moving forward. This would be a good time to research, investigate, or seek wisdom to help clarify your goals and to bring ease to anything that is troubling you. As we approach the Sagittarius Full Moon on June 3rd, you may find yourself needing to let go of something. You may feel you have reached the end of a project or job, or you may just need to create energetic or emotional space around something in your life. Let go of anything that feels heavy. Give yourself permission to release what you have been carrying that no longer seems to support where you are going. The Sagittarius Full Moon may also bring up issues around your self-expression. You may have to stand up for yourself or communicate to others what you really need. Your voice is your power, so don’t hold back if you have something important to share. On June 5-6, your ruling planet, Venus will move into Leo, where it will stay until October. This extra-long stay in Leo is because Venus will station retrograde later in July on the 23rd. As your ruling planet, you will always be sensitive to the energies Venus brings. Venus is our heart opener; it carries the essence of love, romance, pleasure, play, and abundance. It is a highly feminine energy that allows us to surrender and accept what is, and to be present in our being. As it enters Leo, pay attention to what themes are unfolding for you, as this could be a clue as to what this Venus Retrograde energy will be stirring in you. Whenever Venus Retrograde unfolds, we often go through a heart awakening of some kind, so know that if anything difficult comes to the surface in June, you will get more answers through the Venus Retrograde period. The Gemini New Moon on June 17th, is an excellent opportunity to take action on your goals and intentions. Having a vision board and writing down what you want to attract is great, but sometimes you have to take action too. This is a very action-heavy New Moon for you, so walk the talk and start taking steps in the direction that calls to you. This New Moon is also highly beneficial for any travel, so if you have wanted to take a trip, this is a good New Moon to take action. Saturn also stations retrograde on June 17th under the influence of the New Moon. The days that follow this New Moon could feel a little challenging. You may have some hurdles or obstacles to overcome, or perhaps things are not as ordered or organized as you would like. Just take small steps and be methodical. Things will get done in the perfect timing.


There has been so much going on in the cosmic skies for you, Scorpio but during Gemini Season, I hope you can take the opportunity to socialize and have some fun! The June 3rd Full Moon especially could be the perfect opportunity to meet new people or just connect with those that you love. Challenge yourself to be a little more social this season and see how it lights up your world! The Sagittarius Full Moon could also be a wonderful opportunity when it comes to your income. If you have a project you have been working hard to get off the ground, this Full Moon could bring your culmination moment, allowing you to experience the rewards of all your efforts. If you have wanted to boost your income in some way, this Full Moon can light up a pathway for you, helping you to take the steps needed to ask for a raise or to perhaps pick up a side gig. Alternatively, you may find yourself wanting to leave a job and perhaps seek a new one that compensates more generously. This definitely feels to be a theme for you around this Full Moon, so own your self-worth and make use of this energy if it resonates. On June 5-6, Venus will enter Leo, where it will remain until October. This unusually long stay for Venus is due to its upcoming retrograde on July 23. Venus Retrograde is a time of heart healing and expansion. We usually move through emotions and situations that are designed to bring us closer to our truth and to the full power of our hearts. Pay attention to any themes that may be triggered for you around June 5-6, as this could be a sign as to what you are working on during this upcoming Venus Retrograde period. On June 17th, there is a New Moon in Gemini. This New Moon may feel a little heavy for you and draw you within, however it also offers a new beginning. You may find yourself having to say goodbye to something, but this clearing of space will eventually blossom into something new. While there is a little heaviness around this New Moon, channel it into your creative projects. Use this time to write, draw, paint, or sculpt. Essentially, working with your hands is going to be very therapeutic for you at this time. Saturn also stations retrograde on June 17th under the New Moon. Saturn Retrograde is a time when we are invited to go over some of our past lessons. You may be feeling this when it comes to the romance in your life and what love truly means to you. You may be questioning your love connections and what you want out of a partner. You may also be focused on self-love, and what you need in order to feel nourished and supported from within. Your needs may feel like they are changing, but really you are just growing into a deeper awareness of what is truly important to you.


Gemini Season is going to light up your world! This is a positive season for you, and it also brings your Full Moon! On June 3rd, the Full Moon will light up in your sign. This only happens once a year and is an energy you should definitely make the most of. It is believed that when the Full Moon falls in your sign, it triggers your pineal gland, helping to unlock hidden wisdom, deeper intuitions, and psychic messages. You may feel extra sensitive around this time, and your dreams may also be vivid. Pay attention to any signs or synchronicities, as the Universe and your guides/angels are likely to be in connection with you! Your intuition may also be heightened by the Aldebaran Gateway, or Silver Gate Portal, which peaks on May 28-29, just before your Full Moon. This is a period of strong awakening energy that can help you deepen your spiritual gifts and awareness. If you have wanted to get a psychic reading or see a medium, this could be a powerful time for you. Alternatively, it’s also a great time to just connect with your own intuitions and do a card reading for yourself. Sometimes free-flow journal writing can also help you to receive messages from higher realms too. On June 5-6, Venus will enter Leo, a fellow fire sign. Venus will spend a long time in Leo due to its upcoming retrograde later in July. Venus is the planet of love, beauty, romance, money, and pleasure. It is a symbol of the Divine feminine and will be particularly active for you while in Leo. Pay attention to any matters of the heart triggered around June 5-6, as this could be a clue as to what lessons or themes the upcoming Venus Retrograde will stir within you. On June 17, we have the Gemini New Moon, which will trigger more relationship themes for you. You may meet someone special, like a new love interest or teacher. You may also decide to join in partnership with someone in a business. This is a good New Moon to challenge yourself when it comes to the people you choose to surround yourself with. Own your self-worth, and don’t be afraid to set boundaries if needed. You don’t have to say yes if it doesn’t feel aligned. Saturn also stations retrograde on June 17, right under the New Moon’s influence. This could add a layer of heaviness to the New Moon, for Saturn can sometimes create a density in our cosmic airways. Any heaviness you may be feeling is a sign to travel deeper. To avoid conflicts, just take responsibility for yourself and your actions, rather than trying to control the actions or behaviors of others.


Gemini Season begins with the Aldebaran Gateway or Silver Gate Portal. This is a portal of high-frequency energy that is beamed in from the star, Aldebaran. This energy can help to heighten our mental processes, helping us to think quicker, pick up information with greater ease, and to extract more wisdom from our intuition. This is a time when our third eye can also feel supercharged, so pay attention to any intuitive messages or hunches. If you want to deepen your intuition and connect with your third eye, this portal can enhance your efforts. On June 3, we have the Sagittarius Full Moon. You may feel the need to withdraw, or find yourself feeling extra sensitive. While this may feel a little uncomfortable, see if you can channel it into some creative work. You are a highly creative soul, so use this energy to express yourself through art or working with your hands in some way. You don’t have to share your creations with the world; this can just be for you in private if that feels best. If you feel extra sensitive or emotional under this Full Moon, spending some time in solitude or meditation can help bring the balance you seek. On June 5-6, Venus will enter Leo, where it will remain until October. This extra-long stay is due to the fact that Venus will station retrograde on July 23. Venus is the planet of love, beauty, and pleasure, so these are themes we are going to be working with while it is in retrograde. If you pay attention to any heart-related matters that unfold around June 5-6, you may just find that they come back around during this Retrograde period. On June 11, Pluto returns to your sign, where it will remain for the rest of the year. Pluto has been in Capricorn since 2008, but for the first time since then, you received a reprieve when Pluto entered Aquarius back in March. Pluto has now returned, and while the majority of its work is likely completed, you may find yourself needing to journey into the underworld again. Perhaps there are a few last weeds to pull before you can officially rise to your fullest power and potential. After all, that is the gift that Pluto’s work can bring. Pluto has us journey into the underworld, into the depths of our soul so we can transform and rebirth ourselves into our most authentic and powerful version. Your mission is almost complete, so hang in there! June 17th, brings the Gemini New Moon. This New Moon could see you quite busy! You could be tackling a new project or perhaps putting the finishing touches to something that has been taking up a lot of your time. You may even find yourself taking on more responsibilities at work, and those responsibilities could lead to more success and rewards with what you are doing. You are always a hardworker, so chances are you are going to take whatever comes and ride the waves of success! Just be mindful of allowing yourself to get too burnt out or overwhelmed with all of your responsibilities. Saturn, your ruling planet also stations retrograde under the June 17 New Moon, so this could bring up past issues from March 2023. While you are very good at dealing with any issues that arise, be open to leaning on others and asking for support if you need it.


Gemini is a fellow air sign, so you are always going to feel somewhat at ease when this Season rolls around. Gemini Season begins with a powerful stargate known as the Aldebaran Gateway or the Silver Gate Portal. The Aldebaran Gateway can enhance our mental energy, making us feel sharper, brighter, and more switched on. We may also find our intuition heightened and our third eye lit up strong! Follow any instincts or intuitive hunches you may receive at this time. You can also find your dreams more prophetic or powerful during this gateway too. Trust your inner wisdom. On June 3, we have the Sagittarius Full Moon. This Full Moon is bright and cheery, and is an excellent time for adventure. If you have wanted to travel somewhere or try something new, this may be the time to do it! This Full Moon may also make you feel quite social, so get out there and connect with people. Invite your friends over or attend that networking event. You never know who you may meet! This is a beautiful Full Moon for expanding your circle and creating a sense of community in your life. On June 5-6, Venus moves into Leo, where it will remain for an extra long time due to its upcoming retrograde. While Venus won’t retrograde until July 23rd, you may want to pay attention to matters of the heart that are stirred for you in early June. Whatever is triggered for you will likely come back during this Venus Retrograde period. As Leo sits opposite you on the zodiac wheel, you will feel the Venus Retrograde energies very strongly. Know you have some powerful heart activation and relationship healing work on the horizon! On June 11, Pluto is going to leave your sign of Aquarius and head back into Capricorn for the remainder of the year. This will bring a lightening for you. Pluto in Aquarius is encouraging you to travel to the depths in order to transform and shift into a new potential. But for now, you are getting a break from this energy. Enjoy it while it lasts! (You can read more about Pluto in Aquarius here). The Gemini New Moon arrives on June 17. This New Moon holds some heavy energy as Saturn also stations retrograde on this day. You are very familiar with Saturn’s work, so this is nothing new for you, but you may find yourself needing to revisit lessons of the past. New Moons are all about new beginnings, but there is this sense that you will need to clear some space to allow these new beginnings to arrive. Think about what is no longer serving you, and then work with this energy to know that you deserve better. Under this New Moon, you may also need to take a break from all your responsibilities. Don’t be afraid to ask others for support and assistance so you can catch a breather.


Since March 2023, the Universe has been tugging at your sleeve, encouraging you to step up and take responsibility for the life you wish to lead. You may have had to make some difficult decisions, but Gemini Season brings an opportunity to review and assess. Gemini Season begins with the Aldebaran Gateway, which peaks on May 28-29. This Gateway has the power to sharpen your mind and increase your mental capacity. You may find it easier to learn new things, or you may unlock some profound inner wisdom. Pay attention to your intuition under this energy too, as these cosmic vibrations can enhance and open your third eye, allowing you to connect with the Oneness of the Universe. On June 3, we have the Sagittarius Full Moon, which holds some wonderful energies for you, especially when it comes to your career. If you have a new project you wish to get off the ground or if you have been looking for a new job, know you have lots of support on your side under this Full Moon! This Full Moon also has the power to connect you deeper with your purpose, so trust any opportunities that come along, as you never know where they are going to lead you. This is a power time for you to put your name out there too, so launch that website, hand out that resume, or just put your work out there for the world to see. On June 5-6, Venus enters Leo, where it will remain until October. This extra-long visit to Leo is due to Venus’ upcoming retrograde which will happen later on July 23. Venus is the planet of love, relationships, and money, so pay attention to these themes in your life around early June. It is likely that these themes may return for deeper exploration once Venus stations Retrograde. On June 17, we have the Gemini New Moon. This New Moon may stir matters in your home and family life. You may find yourself needing to be there for someone in your family, or your home may need your attention. You may also be thinking about creating your own family, whether that is through having children, or through creating a solid network of friends that are like your family. If you want to bring some new energy into your space, this is a great New Moon to take action. On June 17, Saturn also stations retrograde, which will be a big cosmic event for you as Saturn is in your sign. Saturn Retrograde will stir the lessons you have been working through since March of this year. What themes were present for you at that time? It’s likely those themes are going to creep back into your awareness so you can pay closer attention to things that still need to be resolved. Saturn is asking you to step up and take responsibility for your life and what legacy you wish to leave behind. Saturn can make us put in the hard work to get there, but it definitely offers its rewards too. Saturn Retrograde may bring a period of hard work into your life, but you can think of Saturn as your master teacher. Yes, the lessons and training may be challenging, but when you come out the other side, you will be the master.

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About the author


Tanaaz is the creator of Forever Conscious. She is an intuitive astrologer and aims to use her writing to heal and inspire. She is also the author of several books including the Power of Positive Energy, Messages for the Soul, and My Pocket Mantras. She also runs online courses and in-person retreats.