Intuitive Astrology: Gemini Season 2020

gemini season 2020

Gemini Season begins with the peak of the Pleiadean Portal and ends with the Solstice. It also brings the second Eclipse Season of the year and Mercury Retrograde.

Gemini is represented by the twins. One twin is mortal and one is immortal, or not of this world. Together, the twins navigate life on earth and life in higher realms.

It is their job to merge the wisdom of the earth and the wisdom of the heavens in order to give a full and complete understanding of life as a whole.

One twin is human, the other is being, and together they represent human being.

The Gemini twins have a wealth of knowledge between them and they know how to use it to their advantage.

During Gemini Season, we can all tune into this energy and learn how to obtain wisdom from higher realms and from life on earth.

It is a balancing act to keep our feet on the ground but our heart open to the heavens.

Gemini is also ruled by Mercury, so this planet is a strong focus during this season too, especially because it moves retrograde on June 17th.

Mercury will retrograde through the watery sign of Cancer and will be playing on our emotions and the thoughts we keep closest to ourselves.

Under this energy, we have to make ample room for self-love, self-compassion, and self-nourishment. As we lead into this time, it is going to be extra important to focus on these things.

Along with Mercury being retrograde, Venus is also retrograde in Gemini.

With both Mercury and Venus being retrograde, there is going to be a strong focus on communication.

Are we expressing our authentic truth? Are we communicating our needs clearly and thoughtfully? Are we really listening to what others are saying to us?

How we connect and communicate is definitely going to be a theme on both a personal and a global level.

In fact, if you come up against any issues in your life or relationships, you may just find the root of the issue is linked to miscommunication.

If difficult conversations need to be had, get clear first by asking both twins for direction and guidance before choosing what you are going to say.

How can you speak from a place of grounded truth but also connected to the wisdom of your soul?

Gemini is a very social sign, so we may start to get more inventive with how we choose to communicate, or there may be a strong push to create healthier communication between people.

We may also grow our awareness of just how important socializing and communicating with others is to our health and wellbeing.

While the way we communicate with each other has changed this year, Gemini is one of the most adaptable energies to work with.

We can all breathe in some of this adaptability especially under the Gemini New Moon.

The Gemini New Moon falls on May 22nd and is a busy one! It has a lot of energy swimming around it, so riding the waves and taking each moment as it comes will be a good way to navigate through the start of this lunar cycle.

The big event for Gemini Season however, is the Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius on June 5th.

Emotions are likely to be running high on this Lunar Eclipse due to strong activity from the warrior planet, Mars.

Mars can bring heated emotions but its presence also reminds us to find resilience and strength when it comes to facing our fears and overcoming obstacles.

The Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse can also bring challenging, yet necessary endings.

I will write more on this soon, but know as we get closer to the Eclipse we will start to feel the winds of change rolling in and life may open up a new path for us.

Overall, Gemini Season is a time for us to focus on balancing the wisdom of our soul with the wisdom of our life on this earthly plane.

It is also a time to focus on communication, and being adaptable to whatever life throws our way.

Dates to consider:

  • May 22- New Moon in Gemini
  • June 5- Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius
  • June 17- Mercury Retrograde in Cancer
  • June 20- End of Gemini Season start of Cancer Season/Solstice
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About the author


Tanaaz is the creator of Forever Conscious. She is an intuitive astrologer and aims to use her writing to heal and inspire. She is also the author of several books including the Power of Positive Energy, Messages for the Soul, and My Pocket Mantras. She also runs online courses and in-person retreats.