Intuitive Astrology: Gemini Season 2022

gemini season astrology 2022

As the Sun enters the zodiac of Gemini on May 20, it crosses over the Pleiades, a cluster of seven stars that carry a high vibrational healing energy.

As the Sun crosses these stars and activates their energy, it opens a portal that is beamed straight to Earth and into our hearts, reminding us to focus on the light, all that we feel grateful for, and the innate healing powers of our body.

As we welcome this incredible Pleiadean energy, and as the Sun settles into the constellation of Gemini, energy begins to shift from our lower chakras to our higher chakras. We move away from the grounded forces of Taurus Season into the cerebral forces that Gemini Season brings.

Gemini is an air sign that supports communication and self-expression. As Gemini Season unfolds, it becomes a power time to work on voicing our thoughts and feelings, sharing our story, and becoming a better listener.

Gemini energy is also highly social, and a great time to surround ourselves with like-minded souls that we can jive and create with.

Connecting with others can enrich our lives and our souls, so make it a priority under the Gemini Sun to spend time with friends, or take steps to create community in your life.

On deeper levels, Gemini also helps us to build a bridge between our human selves and our soul selves.

Represented by the twins, where one twin is immortal and the other mortal, Gemini reminds us that we are both human and a soul, and that it is important to nurture both these sides of who we are.

Sometimes our human side and our soul side work in tandem, but other times, it can be hard for our human side to truly understand what our soul side can.

If you have been struggling to accept life events or create a balance between either of these sides, you may find that Gemini Season brings the support and knowledge needed to bring some harmony.

As an air sign, Gemini energy is always sending inspired ideas and lightbulb moments across the airwaves, so be sure your mind is clear and free of chatter so these inspirations are easily received.

Under Gemini Season 2022, Mercury, Gemini’s ruling planet will be in retrograde. This may result in us feeling mentally foggy, a little confused, or uncertain about how to proceed. We may encounter glitches or the feeling that things just can’t go right!

If any of this comes up under a retrograde, it is our sign from the Universe to pause, check-in with ourselves, and try to focus on what is clear rather than what isn’t. In fact, a great tip for moving through an uncertain period of your life is to focus on what you are certain about, rather than getting lost or trapped in all the details that you are unsure of.

Mercury Retrograde during Gemini Season especially, can slow things down and create a sluggish feeling. Be patient, trust the flow of the Universe, and know that the right answers will be revealed in time.

Gemini Season 2022, also brings the Gemini New Moon on May 30, which will help close the Eclipse portal we have been working with since the end of April. Energies should start to settle at this time, and we may begin feeling a little more stability, especially around any transformations that have occurred.

The Sagittarius Super Full Moon on June 14 will also illuminate things for us, helping us come face to face with a deeper and higher truth.

As Gemini Season comes to a close on June 20-21, we will be experiencing the Solstice, a powerful turning point in the year which should bring a welcomed shifting in energies.

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About the author


Tanaaz is the creator of Forever Conscious. She is an intuitive astrologer and aims to use her writing to heal and inspire. She is also the author of several books including the Power of Positive Energy, Messages for the Soul, and My Pocket Mantras. She also runs online courses and in-person retreats.