The July 23rd New Moon falls in the fiery sign of Leo and will be a mixed bag of tricks. Approach everything over the next few weeks with curiosity instead of judgement, and you will be able to ride the lunar waves all the way through to Eclipse season.
The July New Moon is gearing us up for the upcoming Eclipse season that will occur throughout the month of August. Whatever this New Moon stirs is likely to only be half of the picture, as more energy is going to be revealed under the Eclipses on August 7th and 21st.
July’s New Moon has a volatile energy. On one hand it is going to be calling us to seek the joy, beauty and pleasure in life and on the other hand, it is also going to be asking us to take responsibility for our actions.
We are going to be asked to lighten up and relax into the flow of our lives a little more, but we are also going to be asked to take complete ownership and responsibility for how we are choosing to live and what we are choosing to say ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to.
Everything in life happens for a reason, but this is only true because we give things reason. Reason is something that we create, and the reasons for things occurring in our lives can only be equal to the amount of energy that we put in.
This July New Moon is going to be sending mixed signals, but if we know what is true and right in our hearts, if we know what we really desire and what we don’t, then the energy of this New Moon will feel easy and breezy.
Life is always changing and evolving and we have to keep on moving forward. Although it can be hard to believe it at times, we all chose to be here and we all chose to learn the lessons that we are currently experiencing.
Your soul chose to come to earth at this time for a specific reason, but that reason is really up to you and what you choose to make of it.
If there is something in your life that you have felt compelled to let go of or compelled to bring in, now would be the time to really think about how you can take responsibility for all of it, and what actions you can take to get your life to where it needs to be.
In fact, a good question to ask yourself over this New Moon is- How can I take responsibility for myself and my life and where I want to be right now?
The answer to this question may not become fully clear until after the Eclipses of August, but it is definitely not too early to start reviewing and assessing the course of your life.
You can also look back to what was happening in your life during the end of January through to February of this year.
Whatever was occurring at this point in your life, may rise up again for a revisit and you may receive some clarity, closure and more answers in the coming weeks.
The vibration of 2017 is ‘beginnings’, so we are all starting a new chapter this year in some way, and July’s New Moon is going to really be guiding us to keep moving forward and journeying into this new territory.
This New Moon also carries a fiery energy, which is going to be giving us the motivation and optimism we need to create the life we have always dreamed of.
Leo is the sign of optimism and leadership, so use this energy to guide yourself forward to be the best you can be no matter what life throws your way.
After all, we all know that Leo the lion is the King of the jungle, so under this powerful energy, perhaps ask yourself how you can become the King or Queen of your own life in order to inspire yourself and others.
Be mindful around this New Moon of taking on too much or spreading yourself too thin, remember, this New Moon is all about balancing pleasure and play with responsibility.
Only take things on if they are truly what you want to do and truly aligned with your current vibration. Learn to say No to things that don’t inspire you and don’t fill you up, and be mindful of how you are choosing to spend your time.
The July New Moon is very positive and energizing, but if you feel like you have been dealt a particularly challenging bag of tricks, try to take a calm and relaxed approach and remember to view things from a place of curiosity. Whatever comes up is likely to have another side to it that will be revealed in August.
Take it slow for the rest of July and try to spend time noticing the joy and simple pleasures of life. August is going to be a big month of many changes and surprises so use this time now to rest and recharge those batteries.