If there was a mantra for this Full Moon it would be- “We are all in this together.”
The April 7-8th Full Moon calls for us to start thinking about how we can come together to support one another, rather than getting stuck or bogged down in our own lives and what they have now become since all the changes and shifts 2020 has brought our way.
This is the brightest and largest Super Full Moon of the year and its message shines just as strong- be there for others. Put yourself in other’s shoes. Reach out to support and in turn, watch how you are held.
Even though we may be feeling alone, isolated, and uncertain, we are all in this together and the only way through is to come together as One.
On spiritual planes, we are all connected, but here in the physical world, we appear as separate. It is part of our journey in this life to be individual beings but at our core, we are one and the same.
It is my belief that all our collective thoughts, actions, and vibrations also make up this reality we find ourselves in. We have always been in this together, but now we are being guided to recognize this Universal truth for ourselves and the power it can bring.
How can you connect to the oneness? How can you feel into the river of stars that live in you and the you that lives in the river of stars?
If you are starting to feel restless or anxious about your current situation, think about how you can support and reach out to others.
Get out of your own head for a moment, put your own troubles to the side, and see what you can offer to the world, to others, to the community, or to the Universe.
It doesn’t have to be big or grand, it could be short prayer, a phone call, a donation, a helping hand, or an act of compassion. No contribution is too small and no contribution will go unnoticed.
The fabric of our reality is shifting and changing, which means now is a time where it’s most sensitive to our vibrations. Now is the time where we can upgrade the tapestry of our reality through mindfulness, love, and conscious awareness.
As I was receiving intuitive messages for this Full Moon, I was shown a blanket that represents our current reality. The blanket was being moved around by gusts of wind, creating new ripples and folds in the material. The blanket was sensitive to its environment and every new gust of wind was creating a new imprint.
These gusts of wind represent our collective vibrations. We have a say in the new reality that will emerge through the vibrations we are all emitting.
Our vibration radiates the highest when we honor, accept, and love who we are and our journey. Our vibration radiates the highest when we put down our egos and just allow ourselves to be.
We are all needed here at this time, we have all agreed to be here at this time. Our vibrations are already what is required in order to calm the blanket and raise it to that next level.
Even though there is so much destruction, and struggle, and suffering around us, we are creating a new world. We are creating a new reality. And there are higher beings surrounding us and joining in too.
On a more earth-based level, the Libra Super Moon may be highlighting feelings of self-love and stirring things in our relationships. If there are any weaknesses or cracks, this Full Moon may expose and shine a light on what needs to be healed.
If you are in need, don’t be afraid to reach out for support at this time, whether you go to a friend, relative, professional, or even to your angels and guides.
We are all here for each other just like these words are here for you. Let them sink to the depths of your soul and allow them to work and soften you where they need to.
This Full Moon can amplify your current emotional state, which can be a great self-discovery tool but can also be overwhelming. Be gentle with yourself. Be gentle with others.
This is a time to practice compassion, to remember that we are all hurting and struggling in our own ways, and to seek how we can lessen the load for those around us.
Gentle loving-kindness will help us navigate these strong lunar vibes, but it is also important that we practice self-care and allow the Full Moon to work on releasing and detoxifying.
Full Moons have the ability to draw things out of us. While this can be cleansing, it can also stir pains to the forefront and highlight wounds that we have buried away.
Staying hydrated, exercising, journaling, meditating, being creative, reaching out to friends, all those simple self-care practices may be needed right now.
There is no doubt these are challenging times and the heavens show some challenging alignments too. But, you are not alone in this.
Take some comfort in knowing this journey will soon end. All is temporary, and through this time of uncertainty there is no doubt that you are growing, you are evolving, and the planet is doing the same.
Your Libra Super Full Moon Ritual is here
For additional guidance through this period, try my Libra Super Full Moon Reading
Does your birthday fall on the Full Moon? That’s special! Read this.
Read More:
Intuitive Astrology Forecast April 2020
Understanding Tarot: The Lovers