Intuitive Astrology Forecast for April 2020

april astrology 2020

April brings some potent planetary energy. All through the month the planets, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Pluto are very active.

Mars heightens fiery emotions, Jupiter amplifies and expands, Saturn wants to restrict, and Uranus brings change.

This combination of cosmic forces could be quite volatile, and we may see and feel an increase in heightened emotions.

But with all of this, there is also incredible opportunity for growth and abundance too. Let’s see what’s ahead for April…

The first major alignment taking place in April is the Jupiter Pluto conjunction. This is one of the most significant alignments to take place in 2020 and kicks off on April 4.

The last time these two planets came together was about 13 years ago, and they will be shining a spotlight on the economy and our finances.

While the economy may be highlighted on a global level, on a personal level, Jupiter and Pluto can create new opportunities for abundance.

This planetary energy encourages us to seek new ideas and to connect with abundance in a new and deeper way.

Use this alignment to invite abundance into your life and to start recognizing the abundance that is always around you. Use this energy to see the doors that are opening, rather than the ones that are closing.

The next major alignment comes April 7-8 with the Libra Super Full Moon. This is the closest Super Moon of the year, so we are going to feel lunar energy radiating strongly.

Falling in Libra, this Full Moon will highlight our relationships and get us to question the connections we have in our life. It will also guide us to focus on the relationship we have with ourselves, and can be a catalyst in helping us reach a deeper state of self-love and acceptance.

Feelings of loneliness may peak around this Full Moon, so if that starts to resonate, make an extra effort to connect with loved ones.

If you feel isolated due to any lockdown measures, it may also help to think of this experience as a retreat of sorts, and a time where you can go within and prioritize the things that you love to do.

The week following the Full Moon brings more activity as the Sun Squares Pluto on April 14. During this time period, we are called to remember where our true power and strength lies.

How can you empower yourself? How can you connect with the incredible strength and wisdom that lives within?

Within you is an incredible source of love, power, wisdom, knowledge, and Divinity. Use these energies as a reminder to connect with that.

Whenever we have intensity like this, we are only being squeezed so we can release more of our potential and our inner divine spark out into this world.

As the Sun moves into earthy Taurus on April 19, we will start feeling more comfortable and grounded with the direction of our lives. This will also help ease us into the Taurus New Moon on April 22.

This New Moon carries the energy of change and new information may come to the surface that takes us by surprise. But, with the grounded earthiness from the Taurus bull, we will be able to surrender and allow ourselves to go with the flow with greater ease.

On April 24, we have Pluto going retrograde but this is something we feel more on an internal level rather than an external one. With the Taurus New Moon still fading, we may also feel drawn to reflect and perhaps even change or pivot our goals and strategies for the year ahead.

On April 26, the Sun aligns with Uranus reminding us to keep riding the flow and surrendering to the process.

This is a time to have unwavering faith in yourself and in the path that is unfolding.

April offers an incredible month of planetary energy, but as we emerge we have the potential to feel stronger, more aligned, and more confident in ourselves.

Remember, while our 3D reality is shifting and upgrading around us, higher states of being are still constant, still with us, and still there to guide us.

To help support you through these energies, I have created a guided meditation designed specifically for April 2020. Listen here.

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About the author


Tanaaz is the creator of Forever Conscious. She is an intuitive astrologer and aims to use her writing to heal and inspire. She is also the author of several books including the Power of Positive Energy, Messages for the Soul, and My Pocket Mantras. She also runs online courses and in-person retreats.