Intuitive Astrology: Libra Super New Moon October 2020

Libra new moon astrology October 2020

The October 16th New Moon is the closest Super New Moon of the year and falls in the sign of Libra.

Libra is all about balance, fairness, and justice, and these are qualities we are going to have to keep in mind under the intense energies this New Moon brings.

As this is a Super New Moon, we are going to feel the lunar energies strongly. Even though the sky will be dark on this night, we will feel the pull of the Moon, drawing us inward and into the deeper depths of our soul.

There is some dense, heated energy surrounding this Libra Super New Moon. It feels a little harsh but also oddly magical.

This New Moon may stir some troubles for us or bring some pain points to the surface of our heart. It may make us feel a little heavy or lethargic, and add to the confusion or uncertainty we may already be feeling.

Libra energy can also shine a spotlight on our relationships and reveal to us where things may be out of balance.

If you have been giving too much of yourself away, if you have been acting for the sake of others rather than yourself, this New Moon may help you to return to yourself and to realize a new way.

The New Moon calls for us to return to ourselves, to step out of shame and blame and to focus on giving back to ourselves. When we are “full of ourselves” then we can pour into others.

If you are dealing with a challenging relationship, this New Moon may bring things to a head. A new strategy may have to be taken, but first, allow the dust to settle.

Don’t feel like you need to have it all figured out in one go, as this New Moon calls for patience, reflection, and inner-work.

Creating connection and spending time with friends (even if it’s just online) can also be a soothing way to ease some of the heightened energy circling in the cosmic skies.

New Moons are always a time of new beginnings, and while we may feel this in the air, we may also feel a growing sense of confusion about how to move forward.

This confusion is amplified by the fact that both Mars and Mercury are in retrograde at the time of the New Moon.

When the world outside us feels confusing and unsure, there are always things we can feel certain about, and those are the things that we should keep in our focus.

Having both these planets in retrograde at the same time is a challenging combination and may make us feel like we are taking steps backward not forward!

It can also add to miscommunications so be mindful of this if you need to have an important conversation.

While this feels like a challenging cycle that is opening up for us under this New Moon, know that it is also powerful for spiritual awakenings and intuitive work.

If you can open to the energies, you may receive some new spiritual insights and understandings. You may even find that connecting with your spirit guides and angels become easier.

This spiritual awakening energy is also helped by the star Arcturus, which will be very active at the time of this New Moon.

Arcturus is a bright start in our solar system that is believed to be home to an advanced alien race known as the Arcturians.

Arcturian beings have appeared to me as blue light and carry the most wonderful, heart-centered energy.

They are pure and their presence is very healing. The heart-centered energy they carry can remind us to focus on love, to be kind to ourselves and each other, and to practicing the art of forgiveness.

How can you view your troubles through the eyes of love? How can you shift your awareness to a heart-centered place where you can see and feel only love?

While living from this state all the time is not always possible in this earthly realm, the light energy that pours down to the planet from the star Arcturus can be our reminder.

Another way we can channel this energy is through creative projects- especially ones that require us to make something with our hands. How can your hands creating something nourishing and soothing for your soul?

The October New Moon is a powerful one, so be gentle with yourself and remember, that the darkest nights often lead to the brighter mornings.

New Moon Ritual is here

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About the author


Tanaaz is the creator of Forever Conscious. She is an intuitive astrologer and aims to use her writing to heal and inspire. She is also the author of several books including the Power of Positive Energy, Messages for the Soul, and My Pocket Mantras. She also runs online courses and in-person retreats.