Intuitive Astrology: May Full Moon 2018

may full moon astrology

The May 29th Full Moon falls in the sign of Sagittarius and is going to be guiding us to see things with a fresh perspective.

Imagine being able to view your life from a totally different lens. Imagine being able to look at things that once caused you grief and strife, and now only seeing possibilities, opportunities, and new adventures.

This is the exact energy of this Full Moon, and if you use it to its fullest potential, you are really going to be able to see your life in a whole new way.

You are going to be able to expand your heart and mind, and really see things from a higher perspective.

Take a moment to focus on the journey of your life so far. Soar above the day-to-day drama for a moment and reflect on what you have learnt, how far you have come, and how strong you have made yourself.

Celebrate your triumphs and victories, laugh at your mistakes, and acknowledge that you still have so much more to learn.

See your magnificent life as a blessing, as a beautiful story that is so unique and special to you. See your life as the gift that it is.

Now, as you settle back down into yourself, ask yourself- what is next? What next steps do you need to take in order to claim the opportunities that are waiting for you?

Sagittarius energy is all about expanding your mindset. It has a seeker-type energy and gives us the desire to explore new aspects of ourselves, learn new things, and go out there and see the world!

It is this energy that gives us a curiosity for life and allows us to find the confidence to do things that speak to our soul.

If there is something that you have always longed to do, if there is a place you really want to travel to, a career path you really want to try, or a new idea you have been toying with, now is the time to shift out of your comfort zone and open yourself to the opportunity.

Now is the time to think about taking that leap of faith and trying something new. Now is the time to shake up your routine in order to keep the curiosity and inspiration alive.

Just like us, our dreams and goals change and evolve. Just like we grow, so too do our desires, needs, and wants.

Have you outgrown your goals or are they still relevant to where you are today?

Under this Full Moon energy, it will be time to reassess your goals and dreams in all areas of your life, and see if they are still aligned with your current vibration.

Take inventory and work out if there are any outdated goals or dreams that are holding you back or keeping you stuck.

Assess whether your goals and dreams are still fuelling your passion and making you feel excited to get out of bed everyday.

If you find any areas of stickiness or a lack of inspiration, know that this is a sign that some changes need to be made, and under the energy of May’s Full Moon, it is the perfect time to start.

Start thinking about how you want to feel every day when you get out bed. Start by imagining what your perfect day may feel like. Working with these feelings, see if you can find ways to bring them into your life today, even if it’s just in small ways.

How can you feel more inspired or purposeful? How can you feel more of how you want to feel? It usually starts with simple, small changes to your routine and to the way you think.

If you need to, close your eyes and once again travel to see your life from a birds-eye view. Look how far you have traveled, and know that there is still another journey out there for you, another adventure is waiting!

You just need to open yourself to it, and know that passion, inspiration, and adventure is out there for you!

Taking a much needed vacation or taking some time to pamper and care for yourself is also a good way to use this energy to help inspire you.

If you can’t get away, simply visiting somewhere you haven’t been in your local town is also a great way to find new inspiration and to see things differently.

In order to have a different life you need to do something different, you need to do something to shake up your routine and get out of your habitual patterns. It is only from this new perspective that you are able to find new inspiration and new opportunities.

Full Moons are always drawing things out of us, which is why they are such a powerful time to release and let go of things. While this energy will be helping us to draw out new goals, desires, and dreams, we also need to be mindful of how we are using our energy.

If you have been stressing or feeling anxious about something, this would also be the perfect time to go within and really work on discovering the root or underlying cause.

With the help of the Moon you will be able to release and dig your way to the truth with a lot more ease.

Many possibilities are going to be blossoming on this Full Moon, so put your feelers out there, open your heart, mind, body, and soul to the possibilities around you, and take that leap.

Read More:

Intuitive Astrology Forecast May 2018

May New Moon 2018

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About the author


Tanaaz is the creator of Forever Conscious. She is an intuitive astrologer and aims to use her writing to heal and inspire. She is also the author of several books including the Power of Positive Energy, Messages for the Soul, and My Pocket Mantras. She also runs online courses and in-person retreats.