Intuitive Astrology: Sagittarius New Moon December 2024

sagittarius new moon astrology december 2024

The Sagittarius New Moon on December 1st calls for us to make our mark. 2024 may be coming to an end, but this New Moon invites us to think about where we wish to direct our energy.

Represented by the arrow of the archer, Sagittarius calls for us to line up our arrow and take aim in the direction of our choosing. There is no goal too ambitious and no request too small for our Universe, so dream big and take aim!

Allow your arrow to flow, trusting that it will land where it needs to.

The Sagittarius New Moon and Antares, the Heart of the Scorpion

If we look to our cosmic skies and trace a path from the archer’s arrow, we see it lands on the star Antares, which is known as the heart of the Scorpion.

Antares is one of our four Royal Stars and is activated in the first weeks of December when it conjuncts our Sun.

As the Heart of the Scorpion, Antares reminds us to lead with our own hearts and that our true destination, our true target, will always be Love.

Connect with the root of your heart, connect with the wisdom it holds, and use the energies of the Sagittarius New Moon to beam your intentions to the skies.

Antares is also believed to be the resting place for souls on their way to the afterlife. While we are not making our journey to the afterlife just yet, it may be worthwhile to think about how we are choosing to live our lives and if we are happy with the path we are taking.

Is there anything we would change?

Mars is just about to station retrograde following this New Moon on December 6th, and is a time when we are encouraged to re-wire what motivates us and how we are choosing to spend our energy.

This New Moon may be the perfect time to start asking these questions. We may have to wait for the retrograde to finish in February before we can really understand the changes that are in order, but there is definitely room to start the journey under this New Moon.

The Sagittarius New Moon and Saturn, our Master Teacher

Saturn is also active under this New Moon, casting some heaviness over this time period. Saturn’s presence indicates we may be dealing with a lot of tasks or perhaps feel challenged in some way. We may feel this sense of struggle or difficulty in navigating what is around us.

Saturn can definitely bring harsh energy our way that can feel unfair and can challenge and test our strength and stamina. Saturn is our master teacher and is always pulling up the hard lessons for us! But it is always worthwhile remembering that the Universe never brings us anything we can’t handle!

Face any challenges head-on and remember that when we are working with Saturn’s energy, the best and most helpful thing we can do is step up and take responsibility for ourselves and our actions. The second most helpful thing we can do is set boundaries. So consider where these two tools can be implemented, and you should have an easier time navigating things.

December is a busy time for many as it is full of travel and holiday plans. There can also be added financial pressures at this time of year, and a lot of emotions can come up for us. While Saturn’s presence can indicate some heaviness and even overwhelm, just remember to be gentle with yourself in the process.

We don’t have to take on everything, we don’t have to say yes to everything, and we don’t have to pursue perfection. Return to the message of Antares; return to what is really important. Go to your heart and allow that to become your guide.

The Sagittarius New Moon and Jupiter, the Planet of Abundance

Jupiter, the planet of expansion and abundance, and ruler of Sagittarius, is also standing by under this New Moon. While its energy is not as strong as Saturn or Antares, it is in the wings, reminding us to expand our vision and to welcome in the abundance that we are.

Step into the energy of abundance by celebrating all you have achieved. Honor your wins, honor how you have moved through any perceived failures, and celebrate the simple things in life.

After all, I am sure when we all reach Antares, our resting place before the afterlife, it is not how much money we had or what we did for the holidays that we are going to remember. It’s not the person who cut us off in traffic or the disgruntled passengers at the airport. Rather, it will be the relationships, the joy, and the simple pleasures that life gifted to us along the way.

Your Sagittarius New Moon Ritual will be ready soon.

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About the author


Tanaaz is the creator of Forever Conscious. She is an intuitive astrologer and aims to use her writing to heal and inspire. She is also the author of several books including the Power of Positive Energy, Messages for the Soul, and My Pocket Mantras. She also runs online courses and in-person retreats.