Intuitive Astrology: Venus Retrograde 2025

venus retrograde 2025

Your horoscopes for Venus Retrograde 2025 can be found here!

Venus will enter the depths of the underworld as she stations retrograde from March 1st to April 13th. The Goddess of Love will begin her retrograde at 10 degrees of Aries and will travel backward to 24 degrees of Pisces.

Let’s take a deep dive into what you can expect for Venus Retrograde 2025.

What is Venus Retrograde?

Venus is the planet of love, relationships, values, and money, so during this window of time, Venus will be triggering issues relating to these areas. Retrogrades tend to stir matters of the past and bring up old wounds that we may have ignored or overlooked. We may find old relationship issues coming back around or past heart wounds resurfacing.

Venus Retrograde is generally a powerful time of healing and inner reflection where we are guided to reassess our values, especially around the giving and receiving of love in our lives. Venus Retrograde can be a very inward time where we may discover new insights about our closest relationships and how we wish to approach them.

Relationships or relationship dynamics are likely to fall away as we undergo a recalibration of the heart. Venus Retrograde can also guide us to shift our values around what is truly important to us.

Money issues may also come to the surface as we reconsider our values. Sometimes, Venus Retrograde can expose the profitability of certain ventures and projects. It is said that projects or jobs started during a Venus Retrograde may not be as profitable as we hope them to be.

Venus Retrograde 2025: Aries & Pisces

Venus will retrograde in Aries from March 1st-27th and in Pisces from March 28th-April 13th. Let’s take a look at how these two zodiac signs will influence the lessons, gifts, and themes of Venus Retrograde 2025.

Venus Retrograde in Aries

Venus will begin her retrograde journey in the firey sign of Aries. In Aries, Venus Retrograde will have a fiery quality. We will be guided to lead with our hearts and attune to our passions. We may feel headstrong about something, or those around us may feel headstrong about their own ideas.

Venus Retrograde in Aries may also trigger ego wounds, especially when it comes to our relationship dynamics. We will be guided to look beneath the surface of any arguments that come up, particularly in our closest relationships.

Venus Retrograde in Pisces

Venus Retrograde in Pisces will definitely be softer, deeper, and more introspective than Venus Retrograde in Aries. Venus Retrograde in Pisces will stir our most sensitive and subtle emotions, allowing us to deeply feel into what is sitting in the depths of our hearts.

This is an ultra-sensitive energy and we may feel vulnerable and out of sorts, especially as we navigate some of our more intimate relationships.

Venus Retrograde in Pisces will however, help us connect to a deeper truth when it comes to our emotions. Our deeper sensitivity will allow us to know how we really feel and what is truly important to us.

It is going to be important to protect our energy during this time and to be mindful of who we open up to and share with. We will also have to be mindful of taking on other people’s energy as our own.

Venus Retrograde 2025 Lessons and Gifts

  • Ending of relationships that are no longer aligned with our heart
  • A deeper understanding of our heart’s desires
  • Movement closer to our passions
  • Healing of ego wounds
  • Exposing ventures that are not as profitable for us
  • A recalibration and alignment of our values
  • Heart healing and opening
  • More meaningful relationships
  • Deeper understanding of why and how we give and receive love
  • Exposure and ending to toxic relationship dynamics and patterns
  • Uncovering imbalances and healing around our reproductive organs
  • Spotlight on women’s rights, women’s health, and reproductive rights

Want to dive deeper into what Venus Retrograde means for you? Check out your Horoscope Report for Venus Retrograde 2025. The report also comes with a ritual for each zodiac sign. Learn more here.

Venus Retrograde Journal Prompts

1.) If my heart could talk, it would say…

2.) What do I truly value?

3.) Do I feel empowered by the relationships I keep? If not, how can I create more balance?

4.) What makes me feel loved?

5.)I can increase my feelings of self-worth by…..

6.) What does money mean to me…

7.) I can feel more empowered in my relationship by…

A free Heart Chakra Meditation for Venus Retrograde is here

Read More:

Balancing Heart Chakra During Venus Retrograde

The Venus Rose

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About the author


Tanaaz is the creator of Forever Conscious. She is an intuitive astrologer and aims to use her writing to heal and inspire. She is also the author of several books including the Power of Positive Energy, Messages for the Soul, and My Pocket Mantras. She also runs online courses and in-person retreats.